On The Human Spirit And The Fear Of Death

On The Human Spirit and The Fear of Death

Hello bold winners,

It's been a while. I came across this video by Lisa Nichols and it inspired me to craft out this blog post. The whole message is centered on having some belief in yourself, loving yourself and taking that bold step to make your life better. You can't achieve much without loving yourself first. If you don't love yourself, how can you expect other people to love you? Here's the video:

You also need to have some faith in yourself. Some people are just too negative. "I can't do this," "I cannot do that, " "I'm a loser" "I'm not good" "I've done this or that in the past." "My Dad/Mum left me when I was very young" "My parents were divorced" "I was abused when I was younger," "I'm not so beautiful or handsome," "Life's so unfair and cruel," and a host of other bloody excuses.

All those excuses don't just count. The big questions your human spirit asks are: "What now?" "What's our plan to create the best for today?" "What do you want to do to make this world better?" "What do you want to achieve?" "How can we show love today?" Your human spirit doesn't care about your past and your excuses. It wants you to express and experience love, success and happiness always.

You have always postponed the answers to those questions asked by your spirit, because you expected your life to be perfect. You expected everything to always go as you thought. But things don't always go that way for a very good reason. You may also have postponed these questions because you're scared or waiting for the most perfect situation.

You mustn't wait till it's perfect before you make your move. There no perfect condition. If you can, do it when you can, just make your move. Many dreams have died without coming to pass because the dreamers were busy playing out their dreams inside their heads and waiting for everything to be just perfect.

Life itself ain't perfect and often times, the first time you try won't be perfect. But once you make the move, you unlock something in yourself which makes you better when next you try again. So why wait and try making your first try perfect anyway?
Just do it! Do the little you can with the little imperfect means you have.

Some people are afraid to die when they try something they really want to do. But come to think about it. We're all going to leave this earth someday. And something will definitely take you away when the time is right. So why are you afraid of living? You already know that whether you choose to stay indoors all day, not travel around the world or go out there to interact with other people, you will still eventually die. So why die before your time by deciding not to live?

You sit around there worrying about death and being afraid to do what you've always wanted to do, yet you sit back and envy all those who are bold enough to take risks and engage meaningfully in life. Changing the world in their own ways, while you watch them do their thing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or on TV. Why not live your own life and dare?  What's the worst that could happen?

None of us living knows exactly what death feels like and no one can claim to know. What we know is that we are alive and we are here for a reason. It's our responsibility to figure that reason and live on purpose. You're not here to worry about death or think about it. You're here to live and add a meaning to this world. Let the world feel your impact. Let people know you were here before you die. It's very important we understand this else our lives here would be wasted.

Life ain't pointless. Existence ain't pointless. Don't be tricked into thinking that way. When some people close to us die, we often think that life's meaningless. What's the point of all these when we're still going to die anyway? And we grow negative in our thinking. I've been there too, but I know those depressing thoughts ain't necessary. I know life has a meaning and the meaning is found when I live my life purposefully based on my nature.

So, go out to the beach and enjoy nature.

Try learning to write that code.

Hang out and meet nice people.

Fly to that place you've always dreamt of going to.

Apply for that job or competition.

Open up on how you feel about him/her.

Go to the party and dance.

Go and give that speech.


Start that business idea.

Drive that car.

Just get out there and engage with life. Don't get stuck dreaming about it. You can start living that dream right away.

Till next time,



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