Experience Is The Only Real Teacher

Experience As Real Teacher
How far would a man go in life without experience? I'll leave the answer up to you. However, the times have taught us that experience is the only real teacher out there. Other teachers may give you just mere knowledge, but experience arms you with both knowledge and practice. Learning by experience has proven over and over again to be  the  best way to learn.

Before I become good at playing certain games like PES and Chess, I was a typically a fish in playing them. I was like the Jon Snow of the HBO series when it came to those games. Till I put myself into playing those games and letting the experience of playing them teach me, I was only wishing I could play them as well as those who were experts.

For PES, I knew the keys to press on the game pad. I knew the controls. But ultimately, I knew nothing about it because I had never played it. The first time I played it with the knowledge I had, I was trashed completely. Which confirmed that having knowledge about something never equates to knowing how to do it!

Same thing goes for Chess. I knew the movement of the pieces, I knew the names of pieces, I Googled some tactics and strategies. But then, it never translated to becoming an expert or a master. I was still beaten lots of times before I began to get a hang of the game.

Now this is very important to note: I had knowledge of these games, but I wasn't good in those games because experience had not taught me. When I let experience teach me, irrespective of the risks and the embarrassment that could be involved, that was when I became better in those games.

The only way to get better in anything is by passing through repetitive experience! There are no shortcuts. You can study all you want, go on YouTube and watch videos, you can listen to various how to audios, but if you never put yourself in the situation and let experience teach you, you're only wasting your precious time!

Experience will first humble you! You will make mistakes, you will embarrass yourself, you will feel like you know nothing, but it's all good, because that's exactly how experience wants you to feel. It will shatter all your lofty opinions about yourself and you'll be as humble as pie.

You know why experience does that first? It's because boastfulness isn't good for you. Some people boast too much about what they think they know and this often hinders them from learning anything new. Experience knows this and it shatters this arrogance beforehand. Many educated people are this arrogant because of what they think they know. However, they have very little experience.

Experience will push you to certain risks. Some of the very accomplished speakers today once felt shaky the first time they stood in front of an audience to speak. They faced risks of making a very terrible grammatical error, forgetting what they wanted to say and being ridiculed. Some made errors, some forgot their lines, some felt embarrassed, but guess what? They all became better at every subsequent speech and today, they're wonderful orators.

In learning how to drive a car or fly a plane, there are risks. You'll need assistance, but you will still be the one to drive or fly. It will be scary, you may crash, you may get injured, you might collide with other drivers or even obstacles, but nevertheless, you face all those risks, put yourself into repetitive experience and you finally become an experienced driver or pilot.

Everything worthwhile comes with a certain amount of risk. And the gains of being taught by the only true teacher(experience) is definitely worth the risks you will have to face. The most successful people in the world today are those who have passed through many experiences. They were taught by the best and they became the best. They were daring and bold enough to embrace the risks that experience came with and they were duly rewarded with success.

From building awesome technological systems to inventing the latest vaccine in the medical world, experience is indispensable.

Even asking a girl out requires you to have some experience and face some possible risks. She might turn you down, she might embarrass you, she might ignore you totally. But then you get better with whatever result you get and you become wiser for next time. You might end up figuring out that her turning you down might have been in disguise or that she really likes you but was only acting up. Or worse case scenario, you know for sure that she's not interested. Whatever the outcome, you win!

But if you don't try to pass through any experiences, and yet you claim to know something, when you'll eventually find yourself in a situation, you'll be shocked that you're a John Snow in the matter. Lol.

Life favors the experienced, the bold and the courageous. Experience is all you need. It will teach you everything you need to know. It will teach you what you can't find in books or on the internet. It teaches you by making you pass through the action and destroying your arrogance. It's simply the best teacher.

Get as much experiences as you can and keep winning!


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