5 Things Every Twenty Something Should Keep In Mind

Twenty Something

Hitting the twenty year old mark is something that comes with lots of responsibilities. It's a period when the decisions you make critically shapes your future. It's important that young people in their twenties keep these five things in mind.

1. Career
In your twenties, it's important you find your purpose. Finding your purpose in this period could really be the best thing that will happen to you. It's easier to model your life and career around your purpose when you've found it at this stage than in your 40's or 50's.

Your career path at this stage should be clearly defined if you want to be successful. You cannot just apply to any jobs or study any course work without knowing exactly why you're doing it. At this stage, wasting your time on anything you have no plans on is an easy route to failure.

2. Relationship
The twenties is usually a time when your sexual attraction to the opposite sex usually peaks. It's a time when many young people make mistakes in dating and finding someone they're compatible with. Lots of young people at this age aren't serious about their actions as regards building a lasting relationship. It often hurts them and reduces their chances of being in happy relationships and finding the right person at a later age.

You don't have to wait to be thirty before you start being careful with your love life  and relationships. It's not about just having fun and hitting it off with any random person. You should clearly define your relationship goals at this level and make conscious efforts to build strong relationships with those you're compatible with.

3. Network
Your life is greatly influenced by the quality of your networks. At your twenties, you should be conscious of those you have in your circles. You need to build networks with people that add value to your life and people who inspire you to be the best you can be.

You shouldn't only be around those who only care about partying and living a lascivious lifestyle. You should be around people who are progressive in their thinking and attitude. You should be around successful people who are filled with ideas.

Make efforts to be good friends with these kinds of people. Genuinely care about their welfare and hang out more often with them.

4. Responsibilities
Before twenty, many of us might have been shying away from taking up any responsibility. This is quite understandable because from birth to our teenage age, most of the things have been done for us by parents or guardians. So naturally, most of us would want to shy away from doing anything to serve others and instead get from others.

Well, at twenty something.. You're way above that level. Society now sees you as an adult and not a kid anymore. You should be more willing to take up responsibilities now than ever before. Taking up responsibility will build your ability to lead, exude confidence and work with other people. You'll learn many important things in life through being a responsible person now. It could come in form of volunteering in your religion, organization or community. It could come in form of teaching or working for others.

It's high time you stopped running away and man up to those responsibilities.

5. Money
Money they say makes the world go round. Without money, your capacity is quite limited in the Real World. At twenty something, you really should be financially conscious. It's high time you throw away the idea of squandering money anyhow. The amount of money you have at this stage  and the one you're working to get is very important.

You should make and keep plans for every amount of money you intend to spend. You don't have to be an accountant to do that. Just make a conscious effort to live within your means and balance your income and expenses. You'll save yourself lots of needless debts in future.

Instead of spending too much on beer and outing with friends, why not save towards an important idea you've been nursing? You should still have some fun or hang out with your friends, but you have to plan for it and know exactly how much you intend to spend. You're not spending to please your friends.. The size of your pocket should be considered.

Keep these things in mind and I bet you, you won't make much mistakes in your twenties.


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