
The Relentless Fight: Conquering Your Demons

On the first day of this month, a thought came to mind, and I shared it with some friends: "As a man, you must fight your demons. You must handle your responsibilities, and you must defend your truth.   No one is coming to save you, and no one is coming to make it easier for you. It's all on you. You must do your best, always trust in your God, and survive.   Stay focused, and always take your steps, your actions, your shots, no matter how overwhelming or difficult it may seem.   That’s the only way.   If you choose to give up, know that you’re on your own." Based on this, I’m writing today’s blog post to dig deeper into this truth. The Hard Truth: No Easy Way Out It’s a difficult realization to accept, but there’s no easy way out of the challenges and struggles you face in life. The only way is to face them head-on, take charge, and exert full control over the things you can influence.  What exactly can you control?   Your choices, your responses, your determination, and

Why Complete Freedom Is a Bad Idea

There are people who believe in complete freedom; the freedom to act as they want, do what they want, and behave however they choose, without any regard for the future or the consequences of their actions.  To them, it doesn’t matter what comes to mind; they do it because it "feels good," because they want to in the moment, and because, as they say, "the future isn’t guaranteed anyway." Many of these individuals often throw around phrases like "life is too short," interpreting it as a green light to do anything and everything without careful consideration. In their view, since time is limited, we should rush through life, doing whatever we feel like because, well, life is short. However, anyone who has paid attention to the lives of those who didn’t care about their choices; who acted impulsively because it felt good in the moment, can easily see that this kind of lifestyle is often filled with regret later on. People end up regretting poor choices: neglec

Embracing the Diversity of Unique Experiences

  Late for last week’s post. :) When we talk about diversity, many immediately think of categories like race, religion, or gender. Those are important, but there’s a crucial element of diversity that often goes unnoticed: the diversity of experiences . What do I mean by this? People are different, not just in appearance or background, but in how they experience the world. No two individuals share the exact same life experiences, interpret events in the same way, or feel the same emotions about what happens in their lives. Understanding this is key to recognizing that we are all unique in our own way. The choices we make, influenced by these varied experiences, should be respected; as long as they don't disrupt the natural functioning of society or challenge what some call the "norm." What is the ‘norm’ anyway? The "norm" is a set of behaviors or expectations generally agreed upon by society. But here's the thing: it shouldn’t mean everyone has to make the sa

A Reflection on "Into the Wild"

Recently, a friend recommended the movie Into the Wild , and after watching it, I found it absolutely fascinating! The movie is based on the true story of Christopher McCandless, a young man who abandoned his secure life and possessions to seek solitude in the wild forests of Alaska. Before watching the movie, I told my friend that I thought it was a crazy idea (I couldn’t understand why anyone would leave a secure life in society to live alone in the wild). Nevertheless, I agreed to watch it; and it turned out to be a beautiful experience. I still believe it's incredibly brave but reckless to do what Chris did. However, the insights he gained from his journey, the experiences, and the conversations he had with people along the way, which were later used in the making of the movie, resonated deeply with me. They touched on many truths I believe about finding meaning and happiness. Here are some key moments from the movie that stood out to me: Chris’s Conversation with Wayne Chris :

The Power of Inspired Action: Doing Things from a Place of Awareness

Some inspiring collection of quotes I came across today, originally shared by Angelakleesart , really resonated with me: - “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” – Rumi - “You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that refused to surrender.” – John Mark Green - “Every storm runs out of rain.” – Maya Angelou - “You’ve been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.” – Unknown The first quote by Rumi especially stood out. The wound represents the challenges, struggles, and difficulties we all go through at different points in our lives. Through navigating these difficulties, we gain a new sense of awareness, one that strengthens us and transforms us into stronger versions of ourselves. This awareness motivates us to take inspired action, which brings me to the focus of this post. Most people believe that taking action is enough to yield results. While action is important, this is only half the truth. The key is to take action from a place of awaren

Your Worst Fear Does Not Exist

The idea to write this came to me at 4:52 on a Monday afternoon. All the things that scare you exist only in your mind. They exist because you think about them, you worry about them, and that's what feeds your imaginary fear. But here's the truth: it doesn't really exist. Your imagination creates it, so it appears to be real, but it isn't. "Fear not." Many people are running away from their fears and everything else that weighs them down.  Your fears only exist because of two reasons:   1. You haven't recognized that they don't really exist.   2. As a consequence, you're not 100% committed to getting your life together. That means going into action mode; doing what you need to do to destroy that fear. But here's the catch: thinking you can destroy your fears on your own, with just action, without recognizing the supreme motivation , is a mistake. So, start with the supreme motivation. Take time to absorb, believe, and realize that you are loved

The Ultimate Motivation

The supreme motivation is knowing that the only thing you need to be the best version of yourself and to achieve everything you deserve is the fact that you are loved. Many people go through life without even being aware of this. They are unaware because they think they need to find this love somewhere outside of themselves. So, they wait to feel loved and valued until someone else loves them or behaves in a way that makes them feel loved. They also wait until things are going well for them, until everything is working out in their lives as they have envisioned it. They make a conscious choice to continue feeling miserable until they receive something that makes them feel loved or valued. The reality is that they are already loved. It is so strange and counterintuitive that something they seek externally (from circumstances or expectations from other people) has always been with them. You are loved because something gave you the opportunity to exist, to have a mind, a spirit, and consc

Nature’s Wisdom: The Six-Spot Burnet Moth and Arran Brown Butterfly Teach Us About Life’s Balance

Writing from a place of well-deserved rest, I've taken a much-needed break from everything I’ve been working on and chasing. That’s why there was no blog post about two weeks ago; I needed time to step away from the constant drive to do something. The first week was dedicated to resting, free from any obligations, and it was just what I needed. Second week was more on hiking, fun activities and spending time with nature.  Now, done with my break, I feel refreshed and more appreciative of all that life has to offer. Life truly is beautiful, and spending time close to nature has provided me with a sense of clarity and inspiration, leading me to write this post. This post has two purposes: first, to remind you of the importance of taking breaks and simply enjoying the moment, and second, to highlight the lessons that nature can teach us. During a hike, I captured a video of two Six-Spot Burnet Moths focused on their task, possibly pollinating flowers, playing their part in maintaining

Everything Moves, Are You Moving?

This article was written as a draft for 2 weeks ago. I have two more drafts I will post in coming days. Took a two week break, but was inspired to make these drafts during that time. I hope you enjoy these articles from my time off. As I looked out of a car window during a trip, I couldn’t help but notice how everything was in motion, heading somewhere. The beautiful green trees and shrubs swayed in harmony with the wind. The clouds drifted slowly, revealing a stunning clear sky on a sunny day. Cars on the road moved back and forth, each on its own journey. Some people were walking, some waiting for a bus, others washing their cars, while some were stuck in traffic. It was just beautiful to observe how everything was in a state of motion, all moving towards something. Our lives are a constant stream of activity, always heading somewhere, searching for something, and building something. This is evident in nature as well; there’s day, there’s night, there are cloudy skies, and there are

Staying Healthy: Physically and Mentally

Health is wealth, as they say. The whole world means nothing if you are not in a great state of physical and mental health to appreciate the joys of existence. Here are a few tips that can help you stay in the best form mentally and physically. 1. Exercise Regularly Having a regular routine of exercise or sports is crucial. The importance of exercise and bodily movement cannot be overemphasized. Numerous studies have shown that we age better when we exercise and move around frequently. There are many ways to get great exercise every day. Those with careers that require them to move around a lot are fortunate, as their jobs provide much of the necessary physical activity. They may need little additional exercise after work. However, those with sedentary jobs must schedule regular breaks to walk around for a few minutes and stretch. More importantly, they should exercise for about an hour after work at least four times a week. If you're younger, the effects of not exercising might no