Do You Like Yourself?
I recently came across a video interview where someone shared an insight that resonated deeply with me. He explained that what helps him relate well with others is the awareness that he already likes/loves himself as he is. His sense of self-worth isn’t dependent on whether people like him or not. This realization was profound for me. He pointed out that those who base their self-esteem on others’ opinions or projections often end up the unhappiest. The reason is simple: people’s opinions are bound to change. If your self-worth hinges on someone else’s perception, then your sense of self will inevitably fluctuate whenever their opinion shifts. This puts you in a powerless position, leaving you helpless and without control over your confidence. Unfortunately, society conditions us to be this way. From family to friends to the larger community, we are naturally inclined to seek belonging and approval. In our desire to impress and be valued within these groups, we often unknowingly hand o...