
The Power of Remembering in a Changing World

Missed writing the past few weeks; I've been pretty occupied and wasn't feeling too great. But as you all know, those are just excuses, and I shouldn’t be making them 😂. Bottom line: I’m here, and I’m writing again. That’s what truly matters. Many times, we commit to certain things, hoping for a perfect track record. But life happens, and we miss a few times. However, the willingness to show up again despite those misses is what truly defines us. And on that note, let’s dive into today’s article. Lately, I’ve been thinking about how these article ideas come to me. I was taking a short break from work when I started reflecting on how everything changes, and how, as humans, we’ve learned to adapt. We position ourselves to handle whatever comes through knowledge, intelligence, and collaboration. That led me to this realization: Most of Our Problems Come from Forgetting Often, we get stuck in routines or mundane ways of doing things. We fail to remember that what anchors us amid e...

Letting Go of Bad Energy

One of the greatest realizations I've had in life is the power of letting go of bad energy as it arises. We've all been there; someone does something annoying, or an event triggers frustration, and the immediate reaction is to respond. You might feel the urge to retaliate, to prove a point, or to exert energy into something negative. But what often happens when we engage with negativity? We end up feeling even more stressed and drained. If you feel the need to hurt someone or respond to negativity out of anger or hurt, it’s often a sign that unresolved energy is stored within you. In moments like these, when you first sense the urge to react, pause. Look inward. Question it. Ask yourself: Where is this feeling coming from? Why am I about to react this way? This moment of introspection is crucial in learning how to master avoiding negative energy. Every time you pause, reflect, and observe your emotions before acting impulsively, you reclaim your power. You take control of the s...

To Worry or Not to Worry?

Hi friends, This week's article coincides with Valentine's Day, but ironically, I'm not writing about love. 😂 That said, since we're in the spirit of the day, I'll say one thing about love: Don't go into a relationship thinking someone else will "complete" you or make them the object of your happiness. That's dangerous territory. But that's not today's topic. I recently came across a video by Chris Haroun. It popped up in my email, and for a second, I was surprised. The last time I engaged with his content, it was about business and investment. I first discovered him at the start of the COVID year when Udemy made many courses available for free to help people upskill. So, getting an email from him about a video titled "How to Stop Worrying" caught me off guard. Before I continue, I'll share the video here. You might want to take a moment to watch it. What he said struck me, and I felt inspired to write about it. The Problem w...

Why Context Matters in Advice

It's important to recognize that our lessons in life are not identical. Advice that benefits one person in a particular situation may not necessarily be helpful to another. We are often drawn to the guidance of influential people; those we perceive as successful. This isn’t inherently bad. Having role models and seeking wisdom from others can be valuable. However, it’s crucial to put advice into perspective and consider how it applies to your unique circumstances and experiences. For example: Someone raised in a wealthy home might offer financial advice that a person from a less privileged background simply cannot implement. A person born in a country with global mobility might share travel insights that are irrelevant to someone restricted by geopolitical barriers. Those who grow up in loving, functional families may provide relationship advice that doesn’t resonate with someone who has experienced familial dysfunction. A person widely considered attractive may share confidence ti...

What Are Your Emotions Telling You?

Damn… January flew by in a flash! I hope you made the most of it. Before the month slips away completely, I’m sticking to my goal of writing four articles per month; one each week. So here’s the last one for January, inspired by a thought that hit me after work. I hope it helps you keep your mental world in check! The emotions that run through you in uncertain situations reveal your faith level and confidence that everything will work out for you. It’s crucial to take a step back and observe the emotions that dominate your inner world. Your emotions shape how you feel and respond to different circumstances. But more importantly, your predominant emotion signals whether you are anchored in your core truths or if you’ve drifted away, distracted by external chaos. In life, we all need an anchor; a solid foundation rooted in the truths we’ve learned from experience and conscious awareness. These truths remind us of who we are and what life has shown us to be undeniably real. Faith, memory,...

Letting Go to Move Forward

It is a given that to get what you truly want, you must let go of the things you do not want. The game of life is about consciously releasing everything you know for sure that you do not want, so that what you do want can follow. You don't even have to worry about figuring out or searching for what you want. If you let go of the things you're holding onto that you don't want, what you desire will naturally reveal itself in unexpected ways. It may seem effortless. But the real effort lies in consciously letting go—of circumstances, people, behavior patterns, or whatever is holding you back from your true desires. You must release them. Many people remain attached to the past; be it trauma, bad experiences with others, childhood pain, or unexpected hardships like war and tension. These attachments can take many forms. However, the way forward is not to identify with those challenges or difficulties or to see yourself as a product of them. It's not about using painful expe...

Do You Like Yourself?

I recently came across a video interview where someone shared an insight that resonated deeply with me. He explained that what helps him relate well with others is the awareness that he already likes/loves himself as he is. His sense of self-worth isn’t dependent on whether people like him or not. This realization was profound for me. He pointed out that those who base their self-esteem on others’ opinions or projections often end up the unhappiest. The reason is simple: people’s opinions are bound to change. If your self-worth hinges on someone else’s perception, then your sense of self will inevitably fluctuate whenever their opinion shifts. This puts you in a powerless position, leaving you helpless and without control over your confidence. Unfortunately, society conditions us to be this way. From family to friends to the larger community, we are naturally inclined to seek belonging and approval. In our desire to impress and be valued within these groups, we often unknowingly hand o...

Own This Year

Happy New Year, Guys! Another year is here - another opportunity to stay motivated, focus on "doing" what you can, and stay true to your vision, dream, and path. Your only competition is yourself - becoming the best version of you, based on the awareness that resides within. This year is a reminder: your value doesn’t come from externals. It isn’t defined by what someone says, the material things you own, or the opinions of the world. Your value comes from knowing your worth and understanding who you are deep within. Everything else aligns with that truth and is secondary. Before last year ended, I bought a journal and wrote down what I wanted to achieve and the things I’d love to do this year. I broke it into three categories: personal goals, goals involving others, and career, physical, and mental aspirations. I think it’s crucial to do this; not necessarily to check off every box at the year’s end but to set your consciousness for the year. It activates a part of you that ...

Merry Christmas and a Joyful Journey into 2025

Of course, I was going to write something for Christmas! Merry Christmas to every one of you who reads this blog - wishing you and your loved ones a joyful season. I haven’t written as consistently this month because I’ve been busy preparing for this year’s Christmas, which has turned out to be one of the best I’ve experienced since moving away from my birthplace. In the past, Christmases have been quite difficult for me. At times, I’ve felt left out when seeing how others celebrate the season. But this Christmas was different; it was the first one where I truly felt connected. I felt like I was part of something meaningful. I realized that there are people who genuinely see me and appreciate me - not for what I can give them but simply for who I am. Hearing that was wonderful, but feeling it was even better. That experience inspired this post for the season. Christmas is about love; true, unconditional love. It’s a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe ...

Always Do What You Can

I realized that doing what you can is one of the most important things. Simply showing up and taking the necessary action in every area of your life is the key to happiness and success. It doesn’t matter how bad, devastating, or damaging a situation may seem. What truly matters is your willingness to act - regardless of the circumstances.  The surest way to ensure that a situation stays the same or worsens is to do nothing and dwell in a state of despair. This mindset only weakens you over time, and some people turn to unhealthy habits, like drugs or distractions, to "forget" their problems. But these are temporary illusions of happiness. The problem doesn’t disappear; it grows stronger the more you ignore it. The only way to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges is to take responsibility and do what you can. There is always something you can do; whether it’s a direct step toward a solution or an indirect action that prepares you for progress. If you take the time to ...