The Power of Remembering in a Changing World
Missed writing the past few weeks; I've been pretty occupied and wasn't feeling too great. But as you all know, those are just excuses, and I shouldn’t be making them 😂. Bottom line: I’m here, and I’m writing again. That’s what truly matters. Many times, we commit to certain things, hoping for a perfect track record. But life happens, and we miss a few times. However, the willingness to show up again despite those misses is what truly defines us. And on that note, let’s dive into today’s article. Lately, I’ve been thinking about how these article ideas come to me. I was taking a short break from work when I started reflecting on how everything changes, and how, as humans, we’ve learned to adapt. We position ourselves to handle whatever comes through knowledge, intelligence, and collaboration. That led me to this realization: Most of Our Problems Come from Forgetting Often, we get stuck in routines or mundane ways of doing things. We fail to remember that what anchors us amid e...