How to create the life of your dreams
If I ask what kind of dreams and visions you want for your life, I'm sure to hear a good number of nice things. We want to be wealthy, healthy, happy, comfortable, free, go for a vacation, love, travel around the world.. The list is endless.

We all have great dreams for ourselves, we want to live life to its fullest and enjoy it, but
very few us pay attention to "How" we're going to do that.

You may be aware of the proverbial story of the ant and the grasshopper. They were friends and they both desired to be happy. During the dry season, the ant would be busy stocking up bits of foodstuff for the rainy days coming, but the grasshopper would rather be found busy playing, just catching fun and believing that life is a bed of roses.

The end result? The rainy season came and the rain poured down heavily. The ant had enough food to eat and keep itself warm for that period whereas the grasshopper was out in the cold, hungry and lived in regret.

The moral of that story is deeper than meets the eye. The ant had a vision of the kind of future it wanted and utilised its time wisely to achieve that objective by taking needed action whereas the grasshopper played its time away without looking ahead.

Whatever you're experiencing in your life right Now, you created it! Everything you see, hear and feel are in your existence because you created them. You may be wondering how right now.

Now, think about this: To millions of people out there, this article you're currently reading does not exist because of their different choices. You're reading this article because you chose to be online at this moment and you care to check it out. It's now created in your experience. You could be doing lots of other things, but you created this article by choosing to be here.

Still don't get it? Okay, think about where you are right now and observe the people or things surrounding you. You're seeing these people and those things because you chose to be there at that time. There are millions of different people you could meet in lots of different places at this same time, but you created the setting you find yourself because of your choice to be there.

You create these things you experience by the actions you choose to take "Now". Every moment offers you the chance to create something entirely new right now or in the near future.

You know exactly what you want to do with your life, stop living other people's dream by letting them tell you what to do and how to live. It's your life and it's your sole responsibility to take relevant action to achieve what you truly want to achieve.

If we do not do what we have to do to achieve what we want, then it's a clear indication that we do not want our dreams to come to pass. No magic can suddenly transform your life. The magic is in what you choose to do right now to achieve your goals.

So, if you truly want to create your own destiny and experience the kind of life you desire, you must make a determined choice to DO SO and take all the actions necessary at every present moment to achieve it. Just Do it!

It is your actions that create your reality. All the successful people you admire and look up to took serious actions to get there. Take action now, the pen is in your hand. What kind of story would you write with it? Your choice!

You can keep blaming other people/your environment for your problems OR you can take control by taking full responsibility for your actions and utilise the present moment wisely.

The ball is in your court. In chess, it's now your move to play!

-Until next time



  1. you are on point poster. we choose what we want and also our destiny lies in our hands to shape as we see fit

  2. Real wake me up, thank you much, my choice is in my hand, be blessed.

    1. You're welcome Noel. Bookmark our page and support us on facebook for more @

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