A Lesson From 3 Idiots

3 idiots lesson

I watched the indian movie '3 Idiots' a few years ago and I guess I didn't learn the real lesson hidden behind that movie.

I probably watched it for fun and I was inspired to an extent. But it took a few more years to get the hidden message in it.

For many years, I've lived my life doing as I'm told and following laid out patterns for me. I restricted myself from really being who I was and lived like a robot.

I never followed my passions. I never did the things that I really needed to do to make other
people's lives better.

I was busy being too obedient and living my life based on the expectations of many people. That made me live life like a slave.

There was no freedom. And the freedom I mean doesn't mean the freedom to misbehave or become a truant. No! The freedom I mean is the freedom to really be who God has created me to be and fully express my uniqueness.

I could easily lay the blame on some things outside of me, but that's the easy way out for cowards who won't accept responsibility for their lives.

I chose to blame it on myself, because it was actually my choice to live that way, even though I never knew it.

In the movie '3 Idiots', Rancho's friends Raju and Farhan were living like robots. They were not really doing what they were passionate about. They were all after the big certificate.

They felt everything depended on it. In contrast, Rancho, was already doing something in line with his passion and that's why he was a spectacular student in the movie.

He wasn't even there for the certificate which was proven by the fact that he used another person's name to gain admission and study which was discovered later.

He was there to really learn and discover more about his passion. And in the end he used his passion to create value.

The big question this movie poses is: What is your passion? What do you want to do with your life? Have you taken out time to really answer that question precisely?

It's not about saying "maybe I'll graduate and get a job" "maybe I'll do a masters degree" "maybe I'll marry" "maybe this or that"etc. No.. Bloody No!

That's a recipe for catastrophe because your life will tend to go maybe this or maybe that as well.

That's why there are many jobless people out there even with the so called certificate that proves nothing but your ability to memorize, and reproduce whatever you're taught.

Answer that question because it's the most important question for you right now. Your answer must be precise. It's not about what other people want. They can want anything for themselves.

You choose what you want to do with your own life, so that you'll live your life happy.

Don't be a slave. Imagine living the rest of your life like a slave. Doing what you're told all the time. You'll never experience what it feels like to really live.

We forget that we are all unique and we mustn't judge ourselves by the same standards. That you can't sing better than someone doesn't mean you're a failure.

Your skill could simply be somewhere else and it's your job to find it.

That you can't memorize stuff or pass an exam doesn't mean your life has ended. Your talent may be somewhere different.

We must not all live life in the same way and method. If we did, life would be so boring.

So what do you do? You make sure you're happy. And what makes you happy? Doing what you love makes you happy.

And that's where passion comes in.

The only time you can truly affect the lives of other people is when you're passionate about what you do in order to create value for them. Everything else is disguised slavery.

I don't want to live my life like a slave.

I've chosen to be a bold winner.

I don't know about you.

But whatever you choose to do, the ball has always been and will always be in your court.

How you choose to play it?

Up to You!

I love this article and I hope you love it too?



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