Be Determined, Courageous, Brave and Fear Nothing

be determined, courageous,bold and fearless

I was recently going through Facebook updates this morning when I stumbled upon a friend's post. He wrote down the words of his late father to him:

"My son, I have no doubt that you will make it, so don't be in a hurry, but be determined, be courageous and above all be brave, fear nobody but God..."

I had to spend a few moments thinking about that. I saw the totality of life contained within these words. All the ingredients to be a successful human being were all pointed out in a few lines. Of course, it got my attention.

I'll love to analyze it:

#Be Determined 
Determination is something every successful individual cannot do without. It is easier said than done actually. I lot of people want to claim they are determined, but when trouble starts knocking they easily give up.

Determination takes a lot of nerve. Determination is seeing that failure is standing right in front of you, but you still push on anyway. Determination is never backing down on what you believe in no matter what you will face. It is a resilient attitude that all successful people possess.

#Be Courageous
We can do very little without courage. Courage is guts, real guts! Courage is making up your mind to face your challenges no matter the odds. Courage means breaking certain rigid rules and setting more flexible ones.

Courage is not necessarily the absence of fear, it is being able to still take action even when we feel the pangs of fear. Courage Is essential to living our lives fully like humans beings and not robots. It builds a sense risk taking and urges us to keep daring for more.

#Be Brave
Being brave, means you don't be a coward. It means standing face to face with the devil and letting him know that he can't stop you and you don't give a damn what he thinks.

Being brave is taking the bull by the horn and being willing to go against what majority is saying and doing the right thing at all times. I tell you, it's not easy to do the right thing at all times. People are increasingly becoming afraid of doing what is right and that's why things are deteriorating. Being brave to believe in ourselves and do what is right is an indispensable quality of a successful mind.

#Fear Nothing 
I need not say much about this. It's simple and plain as you see it. There is nothing to be afraid of. Fear is one of our greatest enemies. Fear of what people will say, fear of what people will do, fear of what will happen, fear of death, fear of engaging in life, different kinds of fears are keeping us from truly living.

How can you possibly live and grow with fear? Fear already makes you dead because you cannot live fully with fear in your heart. Until cross that line where we get to fear nothing, we are still far away from achieving whatever we want to achieve in life.

I respect what my friend's late father has summarised in a few lines. And I respect all the fathers around the world. It really takes a father to teach his children how to successfully live like warriors in a dangerous world.

Respect to all Fathers!


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