The Beautiful Mind Of A Child

When a baby is born, the mind is very pure, untainted, unbiased. The mind is described as 'Tabular rasa' according to Francis Bacon.

Nothing clutters this beautiful, natural and endowed mind. That's why children are very inquisitive. The way the look at your face for a long period of time says it all. Even the way they play.

Have you really observed little children play? That's the most beautiful thing to see. Just make sure they don't know you're watching them and observe how creative
these minds can be.

I had the opportunity to see that again recently. The way they played, the way they made creative suggestions from their wild imaginations and the way they easily forgave one another in the event of a mistake was lovely.

They are so happy and full of vitality. Their smiles, their laughter and their movement are all so genuine. One who has a free mind is bound to always laugh and be happy. There is no obstruction to his/her joy.

Children are naturally blessed to experience the beauty of life and living in the present moment. But soon they start growing up and the society together with parental upbringing starts to condition these minds.

They are no more allowed to experience life, they start accepting unverified knowledge from the older ones. They start accumulating knowledge without any opportunity to verify it. Their pure minds gradually become cluttered.

They are given lectures on the people to hate and the people to love. They are told not to play with certain children for no reason. Some are told that their uncles and aunts want them killed. So these young minds start to entertain fears. And when there is fear, a mind naturally begins to shrink.

When a mind begins to shrink, there is a tendency for one to become totally selfish. The tendency to be unforgiving and hateful also comes with it. And this is how that innocent child's mind becomes endangered. In the process his body grows, but his mind has been poisoned.

Jesus Christ was not mistaken when he said "Be Ye like little Children." He liked children coming to him because he saw how free minded these children were. They've not 'known' evil like the adults have known. It was easier for them to learn.

It is not like that for most of the so called adults. They claim to have known too much. When you know too much, of course the mind would become closed because there is no room to experience the new. They just know things for sure. No room for any knowledge.

We have come to a time where we need to verify everything we had once learnt to accept as true without questioning. Most of these things have created problems for us and even made us a part of a problem we never created.

We need to once again become like children in terms of the mind. Our minds function best when it is free to think and act without all the negative things we have grown to clutter inside it.

Let Your mind be open once again to look at things from different perspectives and make free unbiased conclusions. Let us stop being mechanical and claiming to know what we do not even know. 'Knowledge could be dangerous' if we just accept it without trying to apply it and find out results.

My next articles will be on 'when knowledge becomes dangerous' and ' value of applied knowledge'. I hope you'd read them. You'll find them very useful in making you rethink the value of Knowledge.

When our minds are free of mental poisons, we are in the best position to take decisions and actions that will be in the best interest of everyone. We will once again be open to really love one another and see the stupidity in living with hatred in our hearts.

Let our minds be like that of Children.

Till next time,

Keep Winning!


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