
Showing posts from November, 2016

Play The Fool Sometimes

I came across a joke recently where a certain woman wanted to know her husband's reaction if she left home without notice. So she decided to write him a letter explaining that she was tired of him, didn't want to live with him anymore and loved him no more. She also mentioned that she had left their home to be with her lover. After writing it, she put the letter on the table in their bedroom and hid under the bed. When her husband came back home, he saw the letter and read it. Then, he wrote his own message down and began to sing joyfully and dance while changing his clothes. He said, "Yes, this woman is finally gone for good! " So he took out his phone, dialed someone, then said: "Hey sweetie, I'm just changing my clothes then I will join you. As for the other fool, it has finally dawned on her that I was fooling around behind her back so she left me. See you soon, honey!" Then he walked out of the room. In tears, the wife got up from under the...

Always Have A Plan

Every blessed day each of us is given 24 hours. Some use it very well, while some others waste it. But we are all given that exact 24 each day. Those who are running the world today, winning and taking territories as they want are masters in the game of utilising time. There is one way you can train yourself to utilise your  time very well and that is by always having a plan. A plan is what guides and motivates you towards whatever you wish to achieve in this world. With a plan, it's difficult to waste your time, trust me. In 24 hours people travel to different countries, attend many meetings, give speeches, run businesses etc. In that same 24 hours, some people achieve nothing. The difference is in having a plan. Without a plan, we'd be merely floating and our time will be poorly utilized. It's true that things may not always work according to how we plan it, but that shouldn't stop us from having one because a plan is what keeps us going. Many people live a...

Your Power To Ignore

When I was a kid in primary school, some of my folks used to call me "Big Head." And anytime they said that to me; I got angry and reacted in a negative way that seemed kind of pleasing to them. I often wondered why they did it: Was my head really that big? Was it because I occasionally came top of the class? Or were these kids plainly bent on offending me? These questions bothered me and then one day I reported to my teacher. She smiled, looked at me and said, "Ike, anytime they call you big head again, simply pretend like you didn't hear them and continue with whatever you're doing." To be honest, I wasn't happy with her recommendation. I expected her to flog the hell out of these kids and make them pay. Little did I know that her advice will go a long way to form some of the basic principles which I live by. I did as she asked. It was difficult initially because when they saw that I wasn't reacting the way I used to, they intensified th...

Russian's Sergey Karjakin becomes First To Win A Game In 2016 World Chess Championship

What an interesting twist of events! After 7 gruelling draws out of the 8 chess games played so far by the contesting chess masters, it turns out Sergey Karjakin, the 26 year old from Russia is the first to draw the blood in a game against Chess World Champion, Magnus Carlsen. The game played yesterday was a tough one in which Magnus Carlsen played very ambitiously. He was really playing to win. I feel he was tired of all the draws and played very aggressively that he made some errors which led to his loss. The Russian challenger remained calm and wasn't really perturbed by the Current World Champion's surprising moves. He kept his cool and kept playing solidly. Carlsen kept going for it, while Karjakin was just patiently waiting and defending properly. Consequently, Carlsen ignored certain principles and made errors because of that which led to his loss. I personally have learnt a lot from this surprising game. It's not all about playing aggressively and trying to...

Are You Simply Waiting To Die And Go To Heaven?

A lot of people desire to go to heaven when they die. "Heaven is a perfect place where you have anything you want," they say. It is a good ideal and I'm not against it. My question to every one of them is: "Since you're still alive here on earth, why not make this world a better place?" The way I see it, most people are just waiting to die and go to this perfect place. Most of them have given up on life and console themselves with the promise of heaven. They don't want to have anything to do with this earth. "The earth is corrupt and must be destroyed," they say. These people are mostly poor people who see themselves as "nice and good" and they claim to be guaranteed of heaven because they are saints on earth who have not committed any sin.

What It Means To Be Positive

"I'm positive that I will be strikingly rich," "I believe I will excel in whatever I do," "I believe I'd be a president," "I believe I will be a great speaker," these are positive words, but simply saying them will not make these wishes come to pass. A lot of New Age information going around tells people that they should simply visualise and think about whatever they want and they'll be attracting it to themselves. Taking this information literally will only lead to disappointments and frustration. It's wonderful to want to be described as positive individuals, but do we really know what that means? Being positive is much more than just thinking, visualization and believing. There is more to it than some people probably think.

What You See is What You Get

Consider these two different sets of people: Mr. A and Mr. B. Mr. A spends his time focusing on all his problems and easily sees reasons to complain. He continues to argue about how things are supposed to be, but really does nothing about it. Mr. A continuously looks out for who or what is going wrong and as a result, that's what he gets. He gets angry over little things that people do and he easily gives up when any challenge comes up. Mr. B is different. He has conditioned his mind to simply focus on what he wants to achieve. He has refused to see anything else that is negative or anything that tries to discourage/stop him. As a result, Mr. B doesn't see problems as Mr. A does, he sees opportunities for him to realise his goal in what looks like a problem. Mr. B doesn't complain, rather he tries to do what he can do solve any problems and move towards his goal. What people are saying or doing and the way things have changed is not a problem to Mr. B. He's t...

How To Accurately Predict The Future

Have you ever wondered for once how it would feel if all your predictions came true? Wow.. It is great. And I've been having fun with this precious knowledge ever since I learnt it. Pals, it's like everything is bending to my will and command. Simply works like magic. You're lucky if you're among those reading this right now because I'm about to let you in on this great secret. It's the golden key that let's you accurately predict the future. I know you're probably in doubt. And you may be wondering how possible it is to do so. Well, all I ask is that you keep reading because after that, you'd experiment and see for yourself.

Nothing Comes For Free

A lot of people complain that they don't have some things they really deserve or that despite their hardest work, they achieve very little. Therefore, they are discouraged in whatever they do and tend to stop giving out their best. For some other people, it appears that they do very little work and all the money is following them. They don't have to stress themselves like others, but money just keeps chasing them. "Why is life this way?" they ask. "Life is not fair. " they scream. Some start trying to explain it by saying its the hands of fate and not everyone has the same destiny. When they're satisfied with whatever excuse they've cooked up, they're comforted in their misery and quit trying. Here's the truth... Life is completely fair. Life has been so well arranged that everyone gets exactly what they deserve. It appears some people have it easier when you only look at where they are presently.

Don't Ever Feel Inferior About Who You Are

Why is it that many black people are the ones complaining about being treated unfairly or unjustly? Why are we the ones complaining about racism all the time? Why are we the ones who are always on the defensive? The answer lies in inferiority complex. When you are already feeling inferior about yourself and where you are from, it is easy for you to see faults in what other people are saying or doing. You are always complaining about how they treat you and how they disrespect you. But do you really respect and value yourself? Or are you quick to pick offense over any little thing?

The Power Of Your Attention

What has got your attention? What do you spend much of time focusing it on? Do you look out for existing opportunities or do you keep looking at things that went wrong? Our attention has tremendous power and if we can direct it to the appropriate endeavors, we can actually come up with ideas and plans to greatly improve our lives and the society. Most of us channel much of our attention to things that do not really add much value to our lives. We are either focused on sports, movies, entertainment etc. These things are important when engaged in once in a while. Much of your attention has to be channeled to something that you can make a contribution into. Don't channel your attention to the past or on things that you haven't done so well in.

Always Be Decisive

Kathy claims she's in love with two different men and she's having a hard time figuring out who to choose between the two. She's been dating both of them simultaneously for about a year now. She has continued dating them and increasingly being more reluctant to make up her mind. It seems as if she's just enjoying the feeling of having two lovers and has forgotten to take a decision on which of them to stick with. Turns out that with time, the two men dating Kathy got to find out about the game she has been playing with the two of them and Kathy consequently lost them both. Till date she still regrets not taking a decision on time. Kathy's story is just an example out of many cases of being indecisive. Every moment of our lives we are faced with different choices and the choices we make go a long way to define who we are.

Our Beliefs Are Incredibly Powerful

I am completely convinced that no matter the amount of evidence presented to someone whose belief is absolute on an issue, that person will never change their position on it. Our beliefs are so powerful that they continue to control and shape our everyday lives. It's not like your beliefs actually changes anything in reality, it's just that the beliefs help you interpret reality differently and see things you never saw before. I'm pretty sure you're familiar with the expressions "I said it," and "I thought as much." These are so common because people are often conditioned to see what they believe in and therefore confirm it with those words.

Donald Trump's Victory And What We Can Learn From It.

From the Moment the Biz tycoon and former TV reality star made known his intentions to run for America's presidency in June 2015, Donald Trump started facing serious challenges. He was called all sorts of names ranging from a xenophobe, misogynist, bigot, rapist etc and he was labelled as one who had no respect for women. They released videos of him making some inappropriate statements years ago which he apologized for. Allegations from various women who have been quiet started coming up against him from nowhere. They all claimed Trump sexually harassed them. All these were to tarnish this man's image and smear his reputation. But there is something about Donald. J. Trump which helped him pull through even with all these labels and accusations. There was something that made the American people continue believing in this man even with lots of information from the media saying negatives about him.

Knowledge Without Practice Is Useless

Here's Jack.. He has read almost every book on how to get rich and become very successful in life. He can tell you everything about Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad and even the Cash Flow Quadrant. But Jack doesn't have enough money to feed himself, talk less of pay his rent. His trousers even have visible holes in them. He's so poor. Why is this so even with his wide knowledge on how to become wealthy? Meet Michael, He just graduated from the University. He knows every theory and formular in the engineering field. He has proven himself by being able to memorize and give back to his teachers what they gave him.

Do You Believe Whatever Will Be, Will Be?

You must have heard it a number of times from people that "What will be will be." This is a phrase that people often use when they want to give up on something. But what will be, won't be if you do nothing about it yourself. If you're a student, you have to study your books for you to be able to pass the examinations. You don't sit back and say that what will be will be while doing nothing. If you're a doctor, you don't tell your patients that what will be will be, then allow them die! Of course, you try and find out what's wrong with them, then see what you can do. If you're hungry, you'll have to cook or find something to eat. You don't sit there and say what will be will be about feeding, then stay hungry.