Do You Believe Whatever Will Be, Will Be?

what will be will be

You must have heard it a number of times from people that "What will be will be." This is a phrase that people often use when they want to give up on something.

But what will be, won't be if you do nothing about it yourself. If you're a student, you have to study your books for you to be able to pass the examinations. You don't sit back and say that what will be will be while doing nothing.

If you're a doctor, you don't tell your patients that what will be will be, then allow them die! Of course, you try and find out what's wrong with them, then see what you can do.

If you're hungry, you'll have to cook or find something to eat. You don't sit there and say what will be will be about feeding, then stay hungry.

If you want to make some money, you don't sit back and say what will be will be(thinking that if you're destined to make money, you will and if you're not, you won't). No! You go out there and find something to do which will give you cash.

If you want anything, you can either make it happen or not(stay back and wish). It is our collective and cumulative actions that makes things happen and not just wishful thinking.

What will be will only be once you play your part and put in your very best into it. That is the only way.

So, you try to put in your best in whatever you're passionate about. Anything you want, take any steps you can towards it. You mustn't do everything, but make effort towards getting it.

Your little efforts is what changes the hands of fate to leads you to what you want. Don't live an aimless life by simply accepting that what will be will be, so you do nothing.

Continue to challenge yourself. It's not easy, you'll have to push yourself beyond limits. You'll have to work hard towards whatever you want. There are times when you'll feel like quitting, but never let go.

The road to getting what you really want isn't always rosy, but once you are willing to pay the price for it, you'll get it and enjoy it forever.

Don't wait for things to happen. Make some effort, no matter how insignificant it may look, it counts.

On a final note, remember that what will be will only be if you're willing to make consistent effort towards attaining it.

Keep moving by any means, don't wait for it to "be."
Make it "be."

Till next time,

Keep Winning,



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