What It Means To Be Positive

motivation:The meaning of being positive

"I'm positive that I will be strikingly rich," "I believe I will excel in whatever I do," "I believe I'd be a president," "I believe I will be a great speaker," these are positive words, but simply saying them will not make these wishes come to pass.

A lot of New Age information going around tells people that they should simply visualise and think about whatever they want and they'll be attracting it to themselves. Taking this information literally will only lead to disappointments and frustration.

It's wonderful to want to be described as positive individuals, but do we really know what that means? Being positive is much more than just thinking, visualization and believing. There is more to it than some people probably think.

No matter how hard I sit here and visualize money, it's not going to magically appear. The actions I take is what brings money to me physically.

Being positive should actually go beyond our mental positions and flow into actions. Your positivity should be a motivating factor to urge you on in any activity you are pursuing.

Being positive means continuing to WORK and put in our best in our ACTIONS even when we face challenges. Somehow, your thinking actually creates the outcome you desire; however, it doesn't do it directly. It does it indirectly by strongly inspiring you to keep on taking consistent action; which then creates the results.

It's not a direct process as misunderstood most New age visualization therapists and law of attraction believers claim. The process goes: thinking, action and then results. The three always exist together and in the same sync.

Therefore, being positive is both a mental and physical process that involves our thought behaviours and must be followed by active behaviours.

In my own words, all thoughts and no actions, makes Jack a loser. A loser is one who doesn't achieve results. A loser can change to a winner by following the simple process... Think, act and get your results.

Hope this helps,



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