What You See is What You Get

what you see is what you get

Consider these two different sets of people: Mr. A and Mr. B. Mr. A spends his time focusing on all his problems and easily sees reasons to complain. He continues to argue about how things are supposed to be, but really does nothing about it.

Mr. A continuously looks out for who or what is going wrong and as a result, that's what he gets. He gets angry over little things that people do and he easily gives up when any challenge comes up.

Mr. B is different. He has conditioned his mind to simply focus on what he wants to achieve. He has refused to see anything else that is negative or anything that tries to discourage/stop him.

As a result, Mr. B doesn't see problems as Mr. A does, he sees opportunities for him to realise his goal in what looks like a problem. Mr. B doesn't complain, rather he tries to do what he can do solve any problems and move towards his goal.

What people are saying or doing and the way things have changed is not a problem to Mr. B. He's too focused to let these things disturb his peace. He's always happy because he clearly sees his goal and works towards it.

Which of these men do you think would become successful as time goes on? I think the answer should be easy. Whatever you want to see in this world is what you'd keep getting.

What are you focusing your energy on? Are you spending time focusing on negatives? Do you find the fault with every little thing? Are you easily discouraged from focusing on your targets?

Or are you really focused on what exactly you want yo achieve? Do you see the opportunities everywhere? Do you see the good in people even with behaviours that should get you annoyed?

Think of your ability to focus as a magnifying glass. If you spend too much time trying to see something, you'd see more and more of it.

Therefore, if there is any reoccurring experiences you are currently facing in any area of your life, you should really think about what you've been focusing on and change it.

If you're always meeting the same kinds of people, if you're experiencing the same kind of results, if people seem to behave the same way to you etc. These things are feedback to tell you what you've been focusing on.

Things are just the way they are. We don't have to talk about every problem. If we can do something with it, fine, why talk about it first? If we can't do anything about it, there are other problems we must be able to solve, no need to cry about it either.

Your FOCUS is the target. Its like a shining light. If you can keep on converging it to what you want to achieve, your energy will be intense and your goal will become clearer and clearer to you.

If you just focus on everything that happens to you. You shine that light in many directions and you end up confused. If you focus it on negatives, you'd see more negativity.

What you see is simply what you get.

Till next time,



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