Reflections on The last Day of 2016

Reflect on the last year 2016

Take a brief moment to reflect over your whole life throughout this year, from January 1st till today. Think of your experiences, your good times, bad times, successes and failures. Think of your New Year resolution for 2016 and how far you have accomplished them.

Be thankful for your successes. Be thankful that you're alive and well. Be thankful that you've made it thus far despite any other thing. It's been a long and interesting year, lots of things have happened. It's funny how one year comes and goes in a twinkle of an eye. Question is: Have you utilized it well?

Spend some time alone today and really think about the way you have lived your life this year. Are you proud of it? Do you think you've made significant progress from the previous years? If yes, congratulations to you and set higher goals for yourself in 2017. If No, take extra time to find out why. Have you spend time on things that didn't matter? Have you planned yourself poorly? Have you missed out on opportunities?

Find out why and work on it. Set clear goals for yourself in 2017 and put in your very best into accomplishing them. The fact that you still breathe means you still got a whole new chance to turn your life around. You're always one action away from achieving the exact goals you want to achieve.

If 2016 didn't go too well for you, do not despair. Make a firm resolve that 2017 is going to be far better. Don't just say it in words, plan towards it and take actions every day, no matter how little. Most people don't achieve their New Year resolutions because it ends up in just words.. You must also think it, plan it and most importantly ACT on it.

I believe 2017 will be a much better year for all of us as we dream, plan and take actions towards our goals. We must be willing to take risks anyway. Opportunities may not be so easy to come by, we must be quick to grab them with both hands whenever they appear.

I'm grateful you've been with us on this blog through this year. I believe 2017 will be much better. Keep your head high up, stay motivated, stay happy, be active because activity makes you happy and healthy. Never stop believing in your dreams.. belief is the starting point... but it doesn't end there. Respond to opportunities for action towards your beliefs. The sky won't limit us in 2017. Wishing you all a Happy New Year!


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