A Quick Way To Change How You Feel

A Quick Way To Change How You Feel

How do you feel right now? Happy or Sad? Feel like an achiever or a loser? Worried or relaxed? How do you really feel about yourself and your life? Your feelings are just about your state of mind. It's all inside your head.

If your mind is filled with good thoughts, you will definitely feel good. And if your mind is cluttered with negative thoughts, you will feel crappy or feel like a loser. Therefore, the kind of thoughts you dwell on determines how you feel.

Hence, all it takes to change the way you feel is simply to change your thoughts. Are you thinking too much about someone's words? Are you thinking too much about risks? Are you thinking about what other people think about you?

Is your mind telling you that you won't succeed? Are you feeling scared? These things are mere thoughts that clutter our heads and make us feel bad. Stop thinking of these negative things and switch your mind to positive thoughts.

If your the thought says "You will never make it!," You laugh and say "I will definitely make it." If it says "All hope is lost," You say "There is always a chance." If it says "You're a loser and that nobody loves you." You'll remind yourself of your successes and people that have cared about you, then say "That's a lie. I'm a winner and I'm loved."

Always replace any negative thoughts in your mind with positive and invigorating ones. What is the purpose of existence if not to be happy in this life? If you're not happy, you're wasting your precious life.

Learn to quickly switch the thoughts inside your head from negative ones to positive ones. That's the simple trick to change how you feel. Don't let negative thinking and depression to steal away your life. This life is beautiful and you need to love it.

No one knows what is going inside your head, but you. So, people may not really understand you or help you get out of your head. If it seems difficult to still get out of these negative thoughts , then talk to someone who can encourage you.

Life is fun. Switch your thoughts to positive ones, do the little you can do to achieve your goals or improve the world and experience the beauty of life. Most of our problems are just living inside our heads. They are simply as a result of the way we think and allow negative thoughts control us.

You don't solve problems by thinking negatively about them. You solve problems by understanding them and looking at the bright side. Believing there is always a solution. Learn to control your thoughts and you will never feel terrible about anything.

I want you to be happy. You are awesome and wonderful just the way you are. Whatever it is that you're currently worried about is definitely going to pass. Everything will be okay. All is well.

Switch your thoughts to believing and be grateful for the life you have. All it takes to feel good is simply to think good thoughts. So switch your thoughts and Do whatever Will make you think good thoughts and stay happy.

See ya!


  1. Feels good reading this article by me again after 5 years. Lovely! And it relates to the recent book summary I published here: https://www.boldwinner.com/2022/08/review-of-solve-for-happy-by-mo-gawdat.html?m=1


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