Don't Love Anyone Too Much To Ignore Their Faults

Don't love someone too much to ignore faults

Yeah, you read the title right! Most of us are so carried away by the feeling of loving someone that we ignore the things we don't like about them. They do things that we don't really like and we overlook it because we claim to love them.

This is bad, not just for ourselves or our feelings, but also bad for the other person because we are actually spoiling them and not letting them grow. If you genuine love someone, you would want the very best for them and not just love them blindly.

Some parents claim to love their kids and they don't ever scold them or punish them when they do something wrong all in the name of love. These kids finally grow up to be a problem to them. They become stubborn, extravagant and spoilt.

I think that loving these kids should be about bringing out the best in them and this includes punishing them when necessary so that they learn right values and principles.

In our relationships too, we tend to ignore aspects of our partners that we don't like, because of love. Indeed, everyone has their own weaknesses, but that doesn't mean you should ignore those of your partner.

You shouldn't judge him/her because of those weaknesses, but you should let them be aware of it and try to help them out of it. Same way they should help you come out of yours.

The whole idea of ignoring the faults of those we love does us no good in the long run. It allows these people misbehave and become very inconsiderate. Therefore, loving someone shouldn't be blind.

Make sure you recognize those weaknesses, signs and deviations and do what you can do to help them overcome these weaknesses. Or else, the weaknesses you ignored will come back to haunt the love you thought you had for them.

Love people, but don't ignore their weaknesses. It doesn't mean you should judge or avoid them when you discover their weaknesses, rather be open minded and do what you need to do to help them come out it and become better persons. That is true love which brings out the best in people.


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