Love Is Not A Cage

Love is not a cage

Love is not a cage where you put someone else and you don't even allow them to breathe without you. Some people have this idea of love and it doesn't really help them in their relationships.

If you really love someone, you should respect their freedom and personal space. Yes, the love should be there, but when you try to overdo certain things, it will tend to be boring and the love soon begins to fade away gradually.

Some people want to be always around the person they claim to love 24/7. But it is not possible to do that given the many responsibilities that they have and time taken by other daily activities. So lovers must come to terms with the fact that they can never be around their loved ones every second.

This is good. And in fact, can you imagine how you would feel if someone is always around you every time and everywhere? You will soon find the whole thing boring and sometimes you need your own space or you want to spend some time alone.

If your idea of loving someone is such that they cannot be happy living their lives when you are not close to them, then you should rethink this 'love.' Wanting to always stay around someone you love can even stem out of mistrust.

You may feel that once you're not there the person may go to someone else or cheat on you. Hence, if you can even mount a camera everywhere they go or set up a drone to follow them, well that would be nice so you can 'confirm' what they are doing.

But that is not love. You are restraining that person's freedom which is definitely not good. You must learn to trust the one you love. If they will cheat on you, they will still cheat anyway without your notice. So what's the point trying to even cage them?

It is difficult to trust another when you've been heartbroken many times, but we can't really accomplish much in matters of love without having a level of trust. Make out time for the one you love, but don't become so obsessed with them that you can't even let them live their normal lives.

A good partner will remain a good partner whether you're watching or not. There is no need wasting your time trying to stop them from 'misbehaving' through your watch. You can't see them 24 hours everyday. So have some trust and sometimes give your loved one some space.

When you respect the freedom of others, they feel it and they will love you more for it. If they decide to cheat and you find out, then fine, good riddance! It is better you found out what they're capable of doing given some space than try to live with a chameleon.

In allowing your partner some freedom, you will find out if they really love you or not. What is the point trying to force love on someone who doesn't love you by trying to cage them? Nothing. Given any small chance, they will cheat. But when your partner stays true to you even when you respect their freedom, then the love is genuine.

Think about it. Share your views through the comments section.


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