Statistics Should Not Stop You

statistics don't matter

Some of you may have become conditioned to easily accept certain statistics which tend to make you easily give up on your pursuits. For example someone says, "90% of the people who tried it have failed." "The available slots are for very few people" or even crazy ones like "Very few people become successful no matter how hard working they are."

The thing is that more often than not, these  statistics makes people get easily discouraged rather than stay motivated. You know why? For most people, it is easier to believe that they won't make it when they're told that their chances are too slim. They have come to believe so much in these probabilities that they already accept defeat.

For winners, the statistics don't count. If they're told that 90% failed, they still want to be among the successful 10%. If you tell a winner that available slots are few, it doesn't stop him from going for those slots. Would you try to sway him by telling him few people are successful even with their hard work? He will tell you that he doesn't mind and he will be among those few.

Winners understand that no matter how bad the probability, chance or possibly of winning may look, they CAN still win. So the stats don't bother their minds at all. What bothers them is to think, make plans and act towards their objectives.

Don't let someone else's words or stats keep you from trying out anything that you really think you should try out. You could be the one to break a record or improve the stats. You could be the one to set a record and be a hope unto those who seek motivation. It could just be you that could be the best when you disregard those stats and go ahead to try out what you want.

Don't let these stats keep you trapped in a wall of yourself. Try things out fearlessly and see results for yourself. What do you gain from listening to those discouraging stats? Nothing! It makes you just do nothing and become an average person. If you must excel, you must not let these statistics become a limitation to your advancement or motion. Keep thinking, planning and acting. Never stop for anything at all.

The prevailing statistics doesn't stop a winner from winning or trying to win. In fact, discouraging statistics should even motivate a bold winner.

Keep winning!


  1. According to a study,people are more likely to believe something when you start it with according to a "study"

  2. Hi Evans, it's funny you also used "according to a study" which makes me disbelieve your claim. Thanks for your comment though.


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