Stop Judging!

It's easy to see the faults of other people but not our own. It's easy to point fingers at someone else and point out everything that is bad about them, but we forget to also look deeply into our own selves. The blame is so easy to place on another person than ourselves.

But if we are to be perfectly honest to ourselves, we are not perfect human beings either. We have our own strengths and weaknesses. We have these same temptations that everyone else has and we are not so different after all. The only thing is that some of us have learnt to master these feelings, while others have not.

But the essence in all of us remains the same. Rather than being quick to judge other people, let us remember that we also have these tendencies and seek to help other people manage their own weaknesses. This is where emotional intelligence comes into play. You don't judge, you help others overcome their weaknesses because you understand that they too are not perfect!

People who are often quick to judge others do not have any love in their hearts. They live in an illusion where they expect everyone to be perfect while forgetting and ignoring their own imperfections. It is a deceptive way of living.

Understand your weaknesses, look at your temptations, think of how you've overcome them and then whenever you see other people do what you feel is wrong, try to look at why they may have been unable to do the right thing and correct them with love.

Calling other people names and tagging them as 'evil' or 'wicked' people does not help any of them. In fact, it creates more problems between you and the person you judge. Therefore, the best way to help struggling people is to first look in the mirror and try to understand what these people are going through, then suggest better ways of doing things to them.

Come to terms with the fact that in this life, everyone's is actually on their journey. And our goal is to gain experiences, learn and become better individuals. No one is beyond improvement. We keep improving till we all die. Therefore, condemning people just because of their faults is irrational. The best we can do is help them to overcome it make progress in their journey as well.

If we can come to terms with our real nature, our temptations, our own faults and our weaknesses, we will understand that we are not so different from each other. We will understand other people more when we've understood ourselves and that will help us to genuinely love them. We will be more inclined to love them rather than condemn them.

Keep winning!


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