What You Really Need To Do in 2017 Asides Resolutions

What You need in 2017 asides resolution

This is my first post in this New Year and I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year. 2017 is here and holds a lot of possibilities for different occurrences in our lives. We are hoping for the best this year, but we must understand that the best don't come on a platter of gold. If you want anything, you'll have to get it out there yourself rather than wait for it to happen.

A lot of people have started this year with making New Year resolutions. They're saying they'll do this and they'll do that. It's not really a bad thing, but I hardly see the point announcing what you'll be doing or what you'll avoid. The important thing is not saying these things, but actually doing them.

To make headway this year, we must focus on taking action to get whatever we want. This is the law of life. Observe the creatures of nature.. Ants move around everyday seeking for food, they don't just wait and hope food happens miraculously. Lions go out and hunt for their prey, they don't make resolutions about it, they simply DO IT.

I didn't bother about making resolutions. My focus this year was to have plans with specific deadlines and working on it via different activities. And it has been very helpful. A plan keeps you busy and points you in the right direction. Make your plans these year, set deadlines and take actions quietly. Don't go on talking and wishing then doing nothing eventually.

It is better to not say anything and achieve something through action than saying everything and achieving little. 2017 should be a year of action.
Have you been scared of doing some things that could make you a better person?  Try these things out this year. Commit yourself to learning new things. Go out there and just be an actor. Because everyone loves the actor in every movie they're watching.

Be that actor this year by taking actions towards your dreams. You may not see results as quickly as you expect. In fact, don't expect any results.. Just focus on taking intelligent actions based on good information and enjoy the process. Activity makes you happy. When you're active, there will be little time to waste in worrying and complaining and you'll enjoy life as it is.

If you remove your mind from the results and focus on doing what you have to do presently, you will be surprised at how fast success will knock on your door step this year.

I'm wishing you all the very best and hoping you will all take action. Action is the MAGIC and the secret key you've been looking for. Don't forget to bookmark this blog and check it out occasionally to keep inspiring you in your pursuits this year. All the best!


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