Why You Should Be Careful With An "I don't Care" Attitude

Be careful with I don't care attitude.

You've probably heard people say things like "I don't care what anybody thinks." "I don't give a damn" "I don't care anymore" and other words like that. The "I don't care" attitude is becoming quite popular and of course it comes with a good feeling.

This attitude can actually be helpful if it motivates you to keep trying where other people have failed or it helps you become a better and a much happier person. But sometimes, this attitude can arise out of pure stubbornness and laziness.

Many relationships among people have failed because of this. Some people don't care at all about another person but just themselves and their needs forgetting that their needs are dependent on the needs of other people.

It is important to actually care to know the truth and properly look into our consciences before we adopt an I don't care attitude towards anything. Are you adopting it because you are convinced you're on a right track or because you want to run away from your own responsibilities?

Some people have become accustomed to using the 'I don't care' attitude to mask their responsibilities and refuse to see the truth from other perspectives. This is when it becomes dangerous.

If you have this attitude because you simply want to escape from your responsibilities or because you're so selfish that you refuse to acknowledge the truth about yourself, then you need to rethink.

Sometimes, you should really care to see things from the angles that other people are seeing from. You should care about the people you love. You you care to know the full story about anything.

Be sure you're not stubborn and you're not the problem. Be sure that you're genuinely happy with your decision not to care. It's good not to care about what others think when they only say negative things in order to discourage you.

It is good not to care when they tell you to give up and stop trying. It's good not care about pleasing everybody or those who are not worth it. It's good not to care how many times you've failed and still believe that you can succeed.

There are many reasons that support the "I don't care" attitude, but be careful that stubbornness, closed mindedness, hatred and ignorance ain't part of these reasons.

Sometimes, you should care about some things. Other times, you should not care about certain things too. Just keep being a winner no matter which you choose to do.


  1. Pretty sure my gf shared this because I am stubborn, I am lazy, and I say that I don’t care quite a bit. I guess I’ll start using the “ I find this path to be undesirable” would that be better? Because I don’t care that the kids have their doors shut during the day, they need their privacy right? I don’t care because I feel that if someone wants something they should ask for it. Either with help “hey will you give me a hand?” “Can you do this/that?” People feel that when you’re in a relationship you should “care” about the same things. In my personal opinion I am passionate about some things, I care about stuff, I like doing certain things. But when it comes to you want to wipe the counters down but it’s my turn to empty/load the dishwasher, and there is one bowl on the counter. I’m not going to stop what I’m doing, wipe the counters down, move the bowl into the sink, I’ll get it when I’m damn good and ready to. This is also in the “I don’t care” realm.

    1. Yes, that does fall into the I don't care Realm.
      I don't care if they respect my authority. I don't care if they don't feel that I do too much around the house as it is, andcould use some help. Xcetera.
      It sounds like you're a lot like me. I don't like confrontation, I just like a clean kitchen. I don't like confrontation but I don't want the clothes left on the bathroom floors. It's not for guests, we very seldom have guests. It's more just for my sanity.

    2. God bless you, for the spirit of the Lord is with you. It's what you give without expecting anything in return that's important.

  2. so just go and f* her ;)

  3. I still don't care. Everything sucks

  4. Its really good to look into your self before u decide to dont care.

  5. This was the exact example I set out last night "I don't care" attitude is a completely mixture of stubbornness and lack of effort (laziness) to make things better than it was.

  6. When I started dating, anytime my boyfriend and I would argue I’d feel heavy at heart and I would cry. I wouldn’t be able to do anything cause I’d be thinking a lot. I would even pray to God to take away the feeling .
    We argued frequently then, so I decided I was going to stop caring so that I will be able to go on with my day. I don’t know when or how it happened.
    But one day after we argued I realized that I didn’t feel anything and I was happy.
    I didn’t care anymore.
    He realized recently because anytime we’d argue I don’t show any emotions and I’d just go about my day and wait till he comes to talk about it or resolve it. He says that I don’t love him because I don’t feel heavy at heart like he does or make effort to resolve issues like he does because I don’t care .
    I want to work on it but don’t know how

  7. I have adopted the I don't care attitude out of the consistent disappointments I receive from others. I work hard, make good money, take care of everything with no help, take care of everyone else too. Instead of thanks or any type of effort from this person to do something for themself and do better in life, it's just disappointment one after the other to where I don't care anymore. One monkey doesn't stop my show and I don't need anyone for anything, they need me. The benefit of having me is a privilege. The benefit is being revoked.


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