How To Stop Being Confused

how to stop being confused

Are you confused? Are you finding it difficult to know exactly what you want to do? Does it appear as if you don't have an idea of how to go about you career, life, choices or anything else? Then hang on because you are definitely not alone.

You've been reading motivational and inspiring books, they keep telling you to take a decision, make a choice, follow your passion, do this and do that. It seems as if everyone else knows exactly what they want to do with their lives, but you? You are still confused and unsure about it.

You're concerned about the future, but you don't know how to go about it. You appear to be floating and idling away your time. If this describes you, I want you to know that the only cure for confusion is knowledge. When I say knowledge, I don't mean you should go on reading different books again(that may even confuse you the more).

When I say knowledge, I mean in depth knowledge coupled with practical activity. In depth knowledge is gotten from experienced people. In whatever you are confused about, try meeting experienced and accomplished people who have been through a similar situation. Learn from their practical experiences and ACT on this knowledge.

Most books cannot give you this kind of knowledge. It is best gotten from experienced people who have faced similar situations as yours and have successfully triumphed over them. So, you should find these people around you and seek for their expert advice. Most of them are willing to help serious minded individuals. Listen to them and gain in depth knowledge.

It is important to act on this knowledge. When you are actively doing something, it's difficult to be confused. Confusion is a mental thing, so being confused is a sign that you're thinking too much and you're not really taking any actions. You're thinking too much because you don't have the knowledge that will help you start taking actions which is why you need to meet experienced people.

No one by themselves can claim to have all the answers. Some people around you or even closest to you have some answers that you don't have. We are all unique and our different experiences has enabled us find some peculiar answers to life's numerous challenges. So, tap into the answers from other people and always act on them.

Being confused can waste your time and make you lag behind. Conquer it with the right knowledge and application.

Till next time..
- Nigel 


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