What are you too conscious of?

If you're not too conscious about something, others won't be too conscious about it too.
A mad man isn't aware that he's naked or acting crazy. You may see him on the road for a brief moment.. You may laugh momentarily, but you don't go on thinking about the mad man or his nakedness all day. You become unconscious of him too as soon as you pass him.

The mad man isn't bothered or worried as he's unconscious of himself.
What are you too conscious about in your life?
Some people are too conscious of their skin color, their height, their size, a torn cloth or anything at all. They keep these things in their consciousness for too long that indeed other people start noticing it.

Your cloth is torn and you start walking or sitting somehow.. people will become interested in finding out why you are walking or sitting that way.
You are short and everywhere you go you keep referring to your height. More people will notice, some of whom didn't care about it before.

Are you fat? Do you think the world cares about your size? It's only when you think other people only see you're fat that you start worrying about it. No one cares. Fat people are making it and becoming celebrities. You think anyone really looks at their size?
Whatever it is that you are too conscious about, learn to be free from holding onto it too much in your mind. Nobody thinks about your height all day or your torn cloth for 24 hours.

I mean.. people are not stupid. They have other things to worry about and think about. Why are you thinking that the whole world is looking at you or any of your defects? They aren't. Your own consciousness of it is what is deceiving you. Let it go.

Think about it. Keep winning! 


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