Creativity Is How You Succeed

Being successful is not guaranteed by being able to expertly follow laid out patterns or procedures established by other people. It could be important for you to know those things in your field of endeavor, but it won't be what you need to be successful.

Being creative, that is being able to create something entirely different, something new, something that has never been seen or done in a particular way before opens the doors of success to you.

You could go online or attend a seminar to find out about how to make a cake. You quickly gain the knowledge, you start making similar cakes and in time, you discover that you cannot really outshine other established cake bakers if you choose to stick to that same style because it's not new.

But on your own, with the knowledge you've got, you could challenge yourself and try to come up with a unique formula or a procedure to making a very different and rare kind of cake. You could discover how to make a cake taste more creamy or fine ways of making the icing very unique. And boom.. People start ordering for it. You become a strong competitor because you've created something different, something new!

And here's something you must know: Most people are in love with the new. They easily get tired of having the same thing over and over. They are all speculating, waiting and hungry for something new. If you can create something new that's better than the old one they are used to and has better utility. They'd come rushing for it.

Have you ever wondered why people keep changing their phones? For example, can you tell why they are eager to buy and use a new phone model which was just launched into a market? The answer is the same: They're in love with the new, creative and unique!

In whatever you do, bring in your own creativity into it. Often times, we are stuck in following same routine and same patterns and that's why we keep experiencing the same things. You'd be amazed at how things quickly change and how successful you can be when you bring in your own uniqueness and creativity in your art.

It is not difficult. Every single one of us is unique. We are different but all connected. Find out your own unique way of doing things. No one can tell you how to be unique. It is in you and you are the only one who possesses it. So tap into yourself and explore your own peculiarities. Apply it to what you do and see yourself go far.

If you're a teacher, let your own style be creative. If you make foot wears, try to experiment with creative ideas. If you are into production, keep and eye on your competitors and be creative in what you produce. Something has got to be different about the way your product is and those of other producers. You can only offer something competitive by being creative.

Stay creative and keep winning! 


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