Go Beyond The Test

pass the test

I think everyone wants to be successful and happy. I've not met anyone who wants to live this life being unsuccessful, sad or unhappy. I'd be willing to stake some money if someone can show me anyone who doesn't want to be successful and happy. However, the truth is that being a success or a failure in life is dependent on the choices we make.

It's easy to want to succeed. Ask anyone around you. They all want to succeed. But it's few of them that get really successful. That should tell you that success don't come by just wanting it. The first step is the desire. 100% of the world's population can take this step. We all desire something, don't we? The second step is to be willing to work towards towards it. Most people are not willing to work for it. They're always looking for the easy way out, so most of them(about 50%)fail out at this sifting stage.

The third and most crucial stage is the test: This stage takes some time and could come in a number of ways. Here, your desire and willingness to work for what you want is tested by the fire. The fire that tests gold. This is where 40% remaining fail. And why do they fail here? Their decision to work for their desires wasn't strong enough.

The test will test your decision and your readiness in a lot of ways. It tests everything. No one with a shaky decision or desire can survive it. The 10% who pass the test are those who have proven that it's either they get that one target they crave for or nothing! They are the ones who have given all to their desire and decision. The are sure footed because they have no doubt that they really want whatever they have wanted.

You say you want to be an entrepreneur, you start your business, one to two years, things aren't moving as fast as you expected. Things are not moving fine and you seem to be lagging behind. The test is at play. The way you react now counts. Will you continue making those consistent efforts and keep smiling at your customers even when business isn't going great? Or would you easily get fed up and quit the whole thing?

You want to be a well known writer of novels, stories and plays like Shakespeare. You write your first few books and the only people who bought them were those at the launching and very few buyers in the market. You feel heartbroken. You thought this book was going to be a best seller. What do you do? Would you say to yourself: "I'm never going to be a great writer" "This shows I'm not cut out for this" or would you smile, go back to your closet, work on making your writing skills superb and try again? The Test is watching your response.

You say you love someone. And you'll love to spend the rest of your life with them. It's your decision and being a decision, the test must come. Times will come when the one you love will do something annoying, take a rash decision and piss you off. What do you do? Would you immediately back off the relationship and call it quits? Or would you try to find out why your lover has acted this way and try to understand him/her in a calm manner? The test is at play.

You say you want to come tops in your class and bag all A's. Great. Good decision. However, there will come a time when you have got to choose between studying your books and partying or playing games with friends. A few parties and games once in a while are cool. But you won't need to always go for every party school. The test will come to see if you'll choose fun and partying over your grades.

These are a few examples, whatever it is, as long as you've made a decision, the test will come around to see how far and long you're willing to stick with that decision. I only got one word for you to pass whatever tests you're facing right now: Hang on! Just hang on there and keep choosing to stick with the decision you've made. If you can hang around till the test phase is over, you made it! Few people make it to that point that's why few enjoy it.

Another thing, sometimes we're not really convinced of our decisions. The test is really doing us a great favor by letting us know those decisions that aren't strong enough. Therefore, when the test comes and you've tried to hang on, but deep within you, you don't want to hang on because of the pressure from the test, know that the decision was shaky. It wasn't a strong decision. Back off from it and go make a strong and a more committed decision linked to your purpose. You'll be glad.

Hang on, pass the test and keep winning!


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