Social Media Is Becoming Real To Us

social media fast becoming real

Some days ago, a friend of mine told me that she wasn't happy with me because I didn't write a detailed birthday message on her Facebook timeline. Just saying Happy Birthday to her wasn't enough. And she was quite serious about it until I decided to write something special about her on her Facebook wall.

On Whatsapp groups, I've seen friends get into intense arguments which gradually starts becoming offensive or even abusive. To the extent that the parties involved get actually angry with themselves and this leads to some petty personal issues.

I've seen people fall in love on social media easily. Just through chatting with one another. And you begin to wonder how something which wasn't so real to us like the internet started becoming a part of our lives, our psychology and our emotions.

People compare their number of likes, followers and etcetera on social media. Some can decide to do things they wouldn't naturally do simply to gain some approval or "likes" on media. A person's emotion can now change simply because no one liked their post or commented on it.

I never really took social media like something real. But on my birthdays, I felt good when I read through the birthday messages on my social media accounts and the goodwill messages sent to my inbox. It felt really good and I wasn't really expecting that I could be so happy because of messages sent over the internet.

All these things made me see clearly that social media isn't something distant from our being anymore. It is becoming more real to everyone of us each passing day. We just have to live with it and make the best use of it.

As a bold winner, understanding that the internet is gradually becoming real to us as humans, you should be careful the way you project yourself on social media. You must try to never forget the little things that may seem insignificant.

A hello or hi.. Could mean a lot to someone on Facebook. A birthday message could make someone smile. The way you respond to your messages means a whole lot of things. The comments you make on other people's posts or activities could mean a lot more to them.

In a world where the internet is apparently real to humans, we must constantly be aware that our online activities implies our real activities in life and we must be conscious of the self image which we really want to put out online.

Tread careful and act carefully on the social media as you would in real life. You'd be thankful for it. Until next time, keep winning!

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