Take Time To Work On Self

Take time to work on yourself, other things will naturally follow.  It is pointless to always try to change other things because we do not have full control over everything.

But we can have full control over what we do and therefore it is most critical that we take time to develop ourselves and train our mindsets to put us in a right frame of mind to be able to face the challenges of life.

You cannot fully control the government, other people , your environment or your peculiar challenges, but you can control yourself and how you react to the things you encounter.

You find out that having a greater control over yourself and what you do helps you to be able to navigate through life with ease. You do not bother much about the actions of other people, because you understand that if you can be the best version of yourself, you are already changing the world in your own little way.

Changing the world or making it a better place doesn't have to be hard, you don't force people at gunpoint to do your bidding or forcefully try to control them. You will get to understand that taking sufficient time to work on and transform yourself has already changed the world.

So rather than point accusing fingers at every other thing but ourselves, let us look at ourselves, tell ourselves the truth and work on improving who we all are. There is always room for improvement.

Therefore, do not necessarily bother about trying to change other people or how to miraculously change your environment. If you focus on developing yourself to your maximum capabilities, you will see yourself changing those things without much stress.

If other people appear to be wicked and hostile, be a loving person in their midst. If your government doesn't care about you, care about other people in the way you can. If no one is there to teach you, you can teach yourself through study. It's not about what's happening. It's about you.

Take out time to work on yourself and you will be in a better position to make any serious changes in the world.


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