The Value of Your Consciousness

value of your consciousness

You only get rich when you start being conscious of money making and opportunities. You only start falling in love when you start becoming conscious of members of opposite sex.

You can only dodge something thrown your way when you are conscious and fully aware of it's position and direction. If you aren't aware, it hits you, it could injure you. Lack of consciousness puts you at the mercy of events. Consciousness helps you take charge and succeed. It enables you to see and continue aiming for your target.

Think of any part of your body, you suddenly start feeling and noticing that area. You've sent your consciousness there merely by thinking about it. Consciousness is energy. There is power in consciousness of anything at all.

Sometimes, you learn about a new word in the dictionary and somehow you start noticing the word in magazines, books etc. You weren't noticing it before because you we not conscious of it or failed to check its meaning. Your new consciousness of the word enables you to see and recognize it often than before.

If you're conscious of your goals, aspirations and dreams, you're already in a positive state where you can easily identify and take advantage of opportunities that will lead you to it. But if you're unconscious of what you want, you have no guide and no pointers to indicate any meaningful opportunities to you because you aren't conscious of where you are going.

Being conscious of ourselves, who we are, where we are going, what we want to achieve and our environment at large helps us in uncountable number of ways. We only fail because we are unconscious of things we were meant to be conscious about. We get into serious problems because we were unprepared and unconscious of anticipating such problems.

We excel because we are conscious. We excel because we know. We excel because we are constantly on our toes trying to stay observant and continue making effort which keeps us conscious. Our steadiness and consistency in consciousness is what has led the world to advance as far as it has come.

If you want to change your life, change the things you are conscious about. Change people you are conscious about, change environment you have become too conscious about, change the kind of music or movies you are conscious about. Change the kind of places you are conscious about.

Changing these things is redirecting your energy to other unidentified areas and targets. You will be shocked at how quickly your situations and experiences will change when you make a conscious effort to switch consciousness.

Note however that consciousness can work in two directions: positive or negative. Don't be too conscious of the things you do not want to see in your life. Be conscious of what you want to see. Staying conscious of too much negativity can attract it into your life. Be aware and be observant, but don't fill your consciousness with negative expectations.

Change your consciousness, change your life!


  1. Really a great piece of writing I've no other choice than agreeing to this article being conscious and aware of what you want and when you want it the key to success.

    1. Thanks a lot Bhuvi for your heartfelt comment.

    2. well said bhuvi, that is the reason why people most people say that they didn't even realize how a month came to an end because they were not conscious most of the time, great work Nigel


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