In All You Do, Don't Be Fake!


Meet Miss.X on social media, she looks pretty, charming and larger than life. But meeting her in real life, she's far from what she portrays herself as. She's been editing most of her pictures just to look good online. Someone might have been genuinely interested in her if she wasn't afraid of showing herself the way she is online. But when they meet her in real life, they are disappointed that it's all fake.

Meet Mr. Y, he portrays himself online as a Big businessman into foreign merchandise while he is actually still actively looking for jobs. He barely manages to feed himself from his daily wages as a laborer. Some people may have viewed his profile and might have wanted to help him.. But well he is assumed to be comfortable and he loses his chances.

You're working for a boss who treats you like crap, has no respect for you and gives no damn about your welfare. Deep down, you're unhappy with his attitude and you resent his methods. But instead of letting him know how you really feel about him, you keep pretending that you're fine and okay. You choose to be fake because you're afraid of his reaction or even to lose your job. In the end he keeps treating you like dirt.

You're really pissed off about something, it makes you angry and it's something that you really detest. You get an opportunity to do or say something about it, but no.. You'll rather hide your feelings and pretend that it's okay. You don't want people to talk, but deep down you're disturbed and you're urged on to do something about it. But you suppress it and choose to be fake.

You're in a really happy mood and you feel like dancing. But you're considering what that may mean to other people and you suppress the expression of your happiness. Who's losing? It's you.

In this life, there is a reason why we are strongly moved to do anything. This urge comes from deep within us and it yearns for expression because it is a creative force. However, often times because of fears that we have, we suppress it and thereby deny the world of the creation and birth of something new.

Being authentic can open the doors to many beautiful things in our lives. We can connect with the right persons, we can become linked to tremendous and life changing opportunities, we can improve our relationships and let others know their areas of improvement. We can shape our political, religious and educational systems to become better.

These great changes are possible only when we drop all falsity and strive to always be real. Our suppression of our authentic self is the reason we are still bedevilled by many problems till today.

By the way, we all love authentic and original things, don't we? Who wants something fake??

Be real today, not fake.

Keep Winning!


  1. Do you think people act "fake" because it makes them feel better? Perhaps things are so bad and they want an escape and acting like different persona makes them feel better. But yes as an overall it is better to be yourself rather then something you are not. All it is doing is giving a false impression to the world. And at the end of the day it is no point lying.

  2. Hi Self Improvement guy,
    You made a point. However, I'm of the opinion that we can actually be much happier and experience lasting happiness when we are authentic.
    Adopting a fake personality may temporarily make people feel happy, but in the long run, the truth still stares them in the face.
    Rather than Cling onto fake short termed happiness coming from what we are faking, it is best to derive happiness from honestly admitting what we really are to ourselves and authentically being true.
    Some People can actually feel better while faking.. but it hurts them more in the long term.
    Thanks for dropping a comment.


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