Topping Up!

topping up

Every single day, you need to top up in various areas of your life to stay progressive and successful.

You need to to up your consciousness and awareness. You need to keep being conscious of what keeps you in a positive state of mind. You need to remain aware and even gain more awareness about what you need to improve on.

You need to top up your motivation. You need to motivate yourself for the best each day. One day off is one day closer to a low motivation.

You need to top up your exercise routines and keep on putting your body and mind in good shape.

You have to top up your spiritual practices to keep you conscious of your God and make you keep away from unhealthy practices.

Topping up is our goal. We must continually top up because there is no point of relaxation. There is no limit. There is no final apex at which we can say "Yes, we have arrived."

The period you stop servicing your vehicle and topping up gasoline and engine oil when due is just when your car will begin to breakdown, malfunction and start developing unforeseen problems.

Likewise, the day you stop praying or meditating.. is the day you start falling into temptation. You must top up your prayers and motivation.

The day you stop being conscious of the dangers involved in certain unhealthy practices like smoking, pornography, drug addiction and etcetera is the day the temptation to engage in them increases.

Topping up works both ways. The more you do something negative, you top it up negatively and you're more likely to do it next time.

For example, someone who is addicted to alcohol tops up negatively anytime he/she decides to drink again.

It's either you're topping up right or you're topping up the wrong way. There is no in between.. because NOT topping up IS topping wrongly. Most people wrongly believe there is a 'middle' where you do neither.

But here's the thing: Topping up wrongly ALSO includes not topping up at all. This is because something must be introduced to overcome 'wrong' and that thing must be continually introduced to keep the light burning..

That something.. say "gas" is topping right.. when you do nothing.. You're topping wrongly because you are losing gas without replacing it. When you do wrong, you intentionally take some gas out yourself.

Not doing anything is more dangerous, because the truth is that you are not even aware that you are topping negatively by letting your gas burn out without adding to it.

Topping up right in every aspect of your life is your gas! Not topping up correctly or staying the same is reducing your gas either way.

The goal is to keep that gas available always by being consistent in taking positive actions that help you stay positive.

If you have to reread that part of your holy book to stay conscious of something, please do.

If you must read new books to motivate or inspire you in your field of work, spirituality or lifestyle, please do.

If you must hang out with certain friends to keep you conscious of your visions and have fun, please do.

If you must hit the gym every Friday, don't miss it.

If you must call your loved ones at regular intervals  to remind them of how much you love them, don't forget to do so.

If you have to check online for fresh and vital information to help you gain fresh knowledge in any field, please do!

Keep topping up your gas in any way you can. The sky ain't even a limit.

Keep winning!


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