Not Always About What You Think

A bold winner must always put into consideration the fact that things may not be exactly as he/she thinks. You may have ideals and beliefs about something, but be careful enough to consider what other people think about it as well before accepting or concluding your own assertions of what's true.

Often times, we make the mistake of thinking that we're always right and what we believe is true. That makes us arrogant and indifferent to other people's point of view. We must avoid that by first trying to get a balanced perspective of things. From there we can make well informed decisions on what to believe or act upon.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Ted Talk on the "Danger of a Single Story" points out the importance of gaining that balanced view of things. You can see the enlightening video here on YouTube:

Make it a priority to always gather information from extensive and diverse sources before making a decision to believe anything or act upon it. It gives you a greater edge over someone who just believes things without substantial information because he/she simply feels they are true.

Don't take regrettable actions or make poor decisions because you thought you were right. Be sure of your thought results by considering what others think as well.

Stay Bold.. Keep Winning! 


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