Stop Merely Wishing, Just Do It

Stop merely wishing just do it

"Stop wishing, and Start doing! Stop wishing for things to get better in your life without taking the necessary steps. Turn your CAN’Ts into CANs and your DREAMs into PLANs.

This is a wake-up call for you to be the change you wish to see in the world.The best way to get something done is to begin. Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. Take the risks; and if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.

There are 3 simple rules in life. If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it. If you do not ask, the answer will always be NO. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place."
- N. Adesanya

Dear Winner,
You see, it's very easy to wish and imagine yourself in beautiful situations or positions. It's easy to say "I'll buy that car," "I'll make a million dollars," "I'll be the best and most successful doctor or actor," "I'll become a big business owner," or even "I'll completely change the world."

It's very easy to imagine them and wish we already had all those things or that we will soon be in those situations. After all, the saying goes, "If wishes were horses, beggars will ride." :) However, you must keep it at the back of your mind that wishes are not enough. For your wishes to come true, you must take very conscious steps towards their achievements.

You can't wish to have a million dollars and expect it suddenly appear in your room by chance. If you're really serious about it, you need to start already working towards by figuring out the steps you need to take and what you need to start doing already to make a million dollars.

Many people are living average lives and stuck in same positions yearly, simply because they only wish for things want, but don't have any concrete plans or commenced any action steps to bring their wishes to reality. Having a wish is not enough. Having a plan is not enough as well. Get out of the wishing and planning stages and enter the "Doing" phase.

The Doing phase is the phase that brings your wishes to you faster than you may have imagined. The doing phase equips you with experience which makes it easier to reach more of your goals. Begin something, start something, do something and keep doing.

No matter how long you sit on the same spot and imagine yourself driving a car, drinking a cup of tea or even buying a house, it will never make these things come true until you go out and get the car, stand up and fetch the cup of water or make payment for the dream house.

We only achieve by doing. This is not to say that wishing is useless or futile. Wishes are like desires, they point us towards a direction. Without wishing for something, it makes no sense doing anything for it. But the key is not to get trapped in just wishing.

The distance between our wish and actually getting that wish fulfilled is our ACTIVITY or ACTIONS. There are no shortcuts.

Make attempts to DO. Never be afraid of DOING whether you MAY get it wrong or right doesn't really matter as long as you're putting in your BEST. As long as you're already doing something to get those things you wish for, you're already on track, it will soon be yours.

Even when you make mistakes in doing, just get up, dust yourself and continue doing applying your new experience to it! You will be far better than those stuck in the wishing zone who are afraid to even attempt.

Life has been designed to favor bold winners who are always doing something to get what they want. If there's one thing you will take away from this article let it be "DO, DO, KEEP DOING, DO, DO, DO AND DO SOMETHING AGAIN.. OVER AND OVER." I love the brand Nike because of the logo "JUST DO IT."

It's not even enough to just do it. Keep on doing. Do more and more. Life is all about your DOING. Your doing changes your life! Your doing is the magic stick that makes your dreams come true. Stay bold and keep winning!

Your friend,


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