Pain Does Not Last

"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so that you may know who you are, what you can rise from, and how you can still come out of it.

For every obstacle that comes your way, you should be thankful. Imagine how unchallenging life would be without the hurdles we have to jump over to get to our destinations daily.

Many great people have been made who they are by the challenges they faced at some period in their lives, they however overcame the difficult periods by gaining strength to overcome.
I have seen babies cry and few seconds later, they laugh… In life, pain never lasts."

People often run away from pain. And by pain, I mean situations that are stressful or difficult and usually require tough sacrifices. However, pain isn't something we should run away from because it helps us to learn and brings out the very best in us.

Pain is actually the ladder to what we want. If we want something, we have to go through the required pain for that thing. Pain is like the fire that purifies gold.

A student who wants to ace all his subjects in school has to go through the rigours of intensive study without which he cannot achieve his objective. Studying hard for his exams and sacrificing certain pleasures just to get that target is pain.

A man who decides to take up jobs available to him even though the pay isn't so good and he could be earning a lot more, just so he can save up enough money for his business idea, is going through pain. The job isn't befitting, but rather than stay idle and avoid pain, he decides to get what he can as he looks for something better while saving up. Making a decision to still take that unbefitting job is pain!

An obese young woman who decides to give up on eating certain kinds of food that she loves to eat just for the sake of reducing her weight is going through pain. It's difficult to eat only vegan diets. But for the sake of her mission, she goes through pain avoiding the alluring sight of eggs, chicken and the rest of them.

Some people decide to eat fewer times in a day than they should, just so they can save up money to pay for something important or buy an asset. That's pain. You see those guys building their body structure by going to the gym and working out daily? They're also going through pain to look the way they want.

The campaigning politician has to go round the country, it's not like he or she really wants to, but he or she has to move around, make different speeches and garner general support in order to win an election. That's pain.

In fact, knowing pain is knowing success. Show me a successful man and I'll show you a man who has known pain. Like they always say, "Pain is gain." Whatever pain you're passing through right now, keep it at the back of your mind that you're gaining something!

Now you shouldn't pass through pain without a target or an idea of what the pain will result into. You'll only be wasting your time. Why pass through pain that will result in nothing? There has to be something in it for you. So, you should be wise to know why you're passing through any form of pain or sacrifice.

Passing through pain involves time. And just like I shared in a previous article "Tick Tock Says The Time," time shouldn't be wasted at all. Therefore, don't waste your pain. Your pain is there to lead you to your success. Pain should make you successful. It shouldn't leave you in the same position. This is important.

In conclusion, let's not run away from pain. Pain is necessary for us to succeed. Whatever painful situation you're passing will not last. It will pass, you will survive it. It will make you better. It may look difficult right now, but once you've paid your price, you will reap the dividends of your pain.

Keep winning!


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