Switch Those Feelings

Switch those feelings

Let's get real.

How does it feel as a young man or woman who is still looking for a job when some of your mates are already working in their dream companies?

How does it feel as a young lady who's under pressure to get married when most of your friends are already engaged or married and it seems like you're the only one left out?

How does it feel when you log onto social media and you see most of your friends uploading pictures of their vacation, holidays, cars and then you think of why you're not having as much fun as they're having?

How does it feel when you don't get on well with family whereas you look around you and it seems like everyone else gets it right with their own families?

How does it feel under your economy, when you're trying your best to make ends meet in a legal way whereas some people who may decide to go through a shady process quickly make so much money?

Do you feel quite unhappy about yourself? Do you feel dissatisfied? Are you quite jealous? Then you're not alone. We all feel this way at one point or the other. It's not an exclusive feeling, so feeling this way isn't a bad thing, but the feeling should be transmuted as a motivation to achievement and not negativity.

The problem is often that most of us think we are alone in this. Millions of other people are experiencing similar things.. The young chap who has just got a good job is worried about getting a car of his own because all his friends have cars. If you're still looking for a job, there are many graduates who are also looking for jobs.

The richest people still feel unhappy when they're not spending quality time with family like others who may not be so rich. The poor still feel that same way about the rich because they don't have the means to afford what the rich can. Other people don't have the things bothering you in this present economy, yet they're happy.

The point is that these feelings exist. They will always come around once in a while no matter how far you go. Man's needs are insatiable. But you must take care not to dwell on the thoughts for too long because it could push you to negativity and even depression.

You've got to look beyond those thoughts and questions. When you feel left out, when you feel like you're behind, when it seems like your dreams are not happening as fast as you want it, remember that these are just feelings. Breathe and let them pass.

Dwell your thoughts on the things you are grateful for(most of us rarely do this). Look the what you presently got. Thank God for good health, be grateful that you're still breathing. Think of your successes.. This will change the way you feel.

Then.. Rather than feeling somehow or being jealous of your friends living the dream, simply aspire for more. Learn to use the successes of other people as a motivation to aim higher for yourself.. Don't look at other people's successes with despair for yourself or jealousy. It's pointless.

Switch your thoughts by being grateful and aspire for better things without thinking too much about it.

Keep winning! Never settle for less.


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