Four Things I Learnt From Boarding A Bus This Morning

things learnt from boarding bus

Many of us I guess has had to board a bus to some place at some time for some reason. I do that a lot. But today was different because a deep insight just dawned on me as I alighted from a bus on my way to work this morning. I never looked at boarding a bus this way before and it showed me the path to the achievement of anything. I found it enlightening and that's why I'm sharing it with you guys today.

I woke up this morning with the intention of getting to work early enough and as usual I went to the nearest bus stop to wait for a bus. The main intention was to get to work on time. And in order to do that, I had to board a bus that was going towards my place for work(choice and action) and stop at the closest bus stop to it(awareness, consciousness), then alight(action).

These were 4 things I gleaned:

#1 Intention 
If I had no intention of going to work this morning or anywhere for that matter. I'll most likely stay at home and waste my entire day and time because I had no intention. The power of intention in the achievement of anything cannot be underestimated. Intention is the force that pushes you to action. Now some people don't act on their intention because their intentions aren't strong enough or they don't know how to go about it. But if you have a strong intention, it will drive you to find out how best to take action and then take the required action.

My intention was to get to work early.. And that intention was what pushed me to prepare myself and head to the bus stop. Intention will give you a clear direction and you won't be hazy. You'll be clear.

#2 Choice
At the bus stop, there way many buses going to various destination. All the buses weren't going to the same place. I had to board a bus and the choice that I'll have to make must be the choice that will lead me to my desired destination. Having an intention and just acting on it without making informed choices could be catastrophic.

Imagine myself just entering any of those buses or the first one I saw without finding out where it was going. I'll probably get lost somewhere and waste my money trying to come back to a known location. Your choice will be influenced by correct information about your intention and the route to it. That's why it's important to ask the right questions as regards your intentions of you're really serious about getting to achieving it.

#3 Action
I waited for the right bus heading to my way and boarded it. I could've stood there at the bus stop even though I wanted to go somewhere and I know the right choice of a bus to enter. I could've hesitated to enter the expected bus when it came by. I could go on thinking about the number of accidents that may have happened to bus commuters or I may be scared of being kidnapped or something. I could've made up any excuse to stay back and do nothing about my intent. But against all odds, I boarded the bus and paid for the fare.

Taking action is crucial to achievement of anything you want to achieve and it's usually the part where many people fail because they have so many fears and questions keeping them from taking action when they have to. It's important to ask questions, the very important questions that will inform your actions. But sometimes we just ask too many irrelevant questions because of our latent fears. It will keep you stuck in same place and you'll achieve nothing because you've done nothing!

#4 Awareness/Consciousness
After boarding the bus, I had to be very aware and conscious because I was already making progress by the action to enter the bus. This is important because some people get carried away when they have taken an action and they forget that they have a target in mind.

I could've lost myself discussing with a passenger sitting beside me and fail to alight at the right bus stop. I could start enjoying the driver's style of driving and forget my intention. But no.. I had to be aware and fully conscious of when the bus was approaching my destination.

Awareness will keep you focused on your goals or intentions. You will not be easily distracted I'n the course of taking an action when you've become aware. When we got closer to the desired stop, I informed the driver and he stopped me. And I got to work early(success).

These four stages intention, choices, action and awareness are indispensable to achieving whatever we want to achieve. The saying that God helps those who help themselves is as true as they say it. If you play your part as a human being, existence will help you to reach your goals easily.

What would we achieve in life without these 4 stages?  Imagine if I just boarded a bus with nowhere in mind. I wouldn't even know when I achieve anything because there was nothing in mind to achieve. I'll just be passing time and waiting for nothing. How can such a person succeed at anything? Life will be meaningless because I'm not living for anything. I'm just wasting space and time. That's not the kind of life I'll wish for anybody.

You were born bold and you were also born a winner. You have the capacity to achieve anything you want to achieve if only you can apply these 4 steps.

Go out there, conquer, stay bold and keep winning!


  1. Applaudise!
    This is a big time lesson, to do things with intention and set new goals and try our very best to achieve them, if not, we wouldn't know when we have made success because there was no drive or proposed milestone whatsoever.
    A man is solely responsible for the outcome of his life, nobody else is. Only him, so, he has no excuses of parents, siblings, friends, foe etc.
    It was a great, motivating and refreshing read!
    I hope to read more of these soon.
    Keep up the good job!
    Happy holidays!!!

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