Why You Should Stop Running Away From All Tough Situations

stop running from failure

Running away from tough circumstances or situations is rapidly becoming commonplace in our world today. And you know why? It's because more and more  people are becoming lazier and lazier.
And why are more people getting lazier and lazier? It's because most of them are busy watching TV or surfing online for a new movie series.

So they run away from anything that looks tough or anything that is likely to stress them because they can't wait to go back to their movies, entertainment, gossiping, whiling away time and finally to their comfort zone. And that's how they keep running away from opportunities that could change their lives for good. They keep running from "stressful" or "tough" things, because they want it easy.

But come to think of it.. If becoming successful was as easy as that, then it would make no meaning to be a successful person. Everyone would then be successful, because everyone could do something that is easy to do. In reality however, not everyone can put up with something that is challenging or difficult. That's why few people are successful. Because only few people are ready to change their mindsets about what may look tough and decide to conquer it.

It's easy to find out for yourself how reluctant people are to do anything tough. Just listen. Words like stress at  common because people are just becoming lazier. They'll rather sit at home watching the latest series, playing video games, arguing over pointless things and blaming their government for their woes. Time that could've been spent on a challenging experience becomes wasted and nothing about them changes.

It's important we learn to face tough challenges that we may not necessarily find easy whenever we are  disposed to or not occupied with anything. Those situations instill qualities in us that enable us become better individuals who are  on the right track to achieving success. They teach us persistence, humility, determination, doggedness, resilience and a whole lot of life skills. And whenever we are able to beat those challenges that looked so tough, it greatly builds our self-esteem and confidence.

The easier route when faced with a very hard looking situation is to run and back off. But then, when you run away, the situation laughs at you because you've lost. You've learnt nothing, you've gained nothing and you've accomplished nothing. You lose on all grounds. You add nothing to your life and you go on being the same old you.

A man or woman who loves to be new, stronger and fresher everyday is willing to take up new challenges that will help them learn, improve and develop. Taking up tough challenges doesn't mean that it's a must you come out solving it. You may encounter failures, but those failures are successes in disguise because they make you stronger the next time you try. You find out that with every new trial after any failures, you're better.

You're one step closer to your ultimate self whenever you take up those challenges that don't look so easy. You're many steps afar, when you keep running away from them. There's only one way up and that way is to always improve. Improvement is rapid when we dare those things that scare us to do. Failing or being successful when you dare these things don't matter. The important thing is to build the habit of continuously challenging ourselves to tough challenges.

Some people's reason for seeking easier alternatives may not be as a result of laziness. Some are as a result of the fear of failure. This fear must be eliminated from our lives totally. It doesn't help us in any way. To that person willing to try continuously, failure is impossible. That's what most of us miss. I used to be afraid of failing. I was a perfectionist, I couldn't stand failing even once. But this kept me in the dark for some time because I was so afraid to fail that I actually tried very few things.

Today, I know better. And I know that failure doesn't really exist in the dictionary of anyone who understands that the willingness to keep trying knows no failure. It only knows improvement from every single attempt. My life turned around with this understanding.

So, if you're taking the easy route because you can't stand failure. I'm telling you today that failure is an illusion that doesn't exist and you never fail once you're willing to keep trying! It's only your mind that keeps you imagining how bad failure is.

Failure is good for you.. Just face it over and over again and it will bow before you and show you success. In short, failure is success disguised on another level. It is same thing! Understand this and try many things you've been afraid to try, that's how you succeed!

If you're seeking easy routes because of plain laziness, you better think again after reading this article. If you really care about standing out and making uncommon impact to this world, you should learn to sometimes try the tough ways. It will build you up to be a creator who brings out his or her best continuously. Creators rule the world. It's just the truth. Creators in technology, art, drama, sports, politics, science, business.. Name it.

The people who are always on their toes doing those tough things on a daily basis and taking up more responsibility than the lazy ones are  the ones ruling the lazy ones. Laziness is the easiest route to mediocrity, poverty and a life of regrets. I know you don't want that.

Bold winners are not afraid of taking up tough challenges! They take it up when opportunity presents itself. It gives them responsibility, builds them up and keeps them on a sure pathway to success!

Stay bold and keep winning!

Your boy, Nigel! 


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