A Better Way To Study

better way to study

When we talk about study, what usually comes to mind is reading books. What did you think this article was about? You probably thought I was going to write about ways to read more effectively. Well, this article aims to point out a better way of studying other than just reading.

To begin with, the word study, according to the Oxford English Dictionary means: "The devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject, especially by means of books." Take note of the last line: "…especially" by means of books. In other words, it means that there are other means you can study asides books.

The second definition from the same dictionary says "A detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation." This definition seems to be much closer to what I'm writing about. Deep emphasis on "detailed investigation and analysis."

Knowledge is everywhere around us. And if only we can pay some attention to many things happening around us, we will know what we need to know.

I'm not against reading as a way of studying. It's good. I've personally learnt many things that has improved my life through reading books, but I know that if I hadn't combined my reading with other means of study, I may not have made as much progress as I've made.

Why do you think some people who are seemingly uneducated still make significant strides in their personal lives and become very successful? Some of them never even saw the four walls of a school system talk more or read big books, but they're not failures. Why's that? They studied through other means!

You can study better by devoting your time and attention to anything. Whatever it is! If you can even observe what's going on in your own environment, you will gain useful knowledge that you may not even find in books.

Books are good, but there are things we must study in life by personal experience and careful observation. There are things we study when we make efforts to be more confident and take risks.

Some people have been so efficient at reading just books, but yet their lives aren't still great. You ever wondered about why's that too?

It's simply because you won't find everything by studying through books. We will study better when we engage ourselves with life and open our eyes to the truth happening around us. If we can be careful to study our surroundings, timings and individuals, we will gain an indispensable kind of knowledge that books may not be able to give us.

I believe that we are all here to learn different lessons and that's why we are not all experiencing the exact same thing. We live in different worlds, though we all coexist on earth. None of us can always and exactly be experiencing what another person is experiencing. It's impossible.

That means that our lives are unique and so are our lessons. To study your own world and your life better, you will have to stop depending too much on merely reading and try your best to understand and interact with that world in which you're experiencing. That way, you'll be able to learn your own unique lesson and make rapid progress.

Here's the summary of everything I'm trying to say:

"If you can study, you will know what you need to know.

Studying does not necessary mean sitting in a class and reading books.

You can study by conscious observation of your environment and the people around you.

You can study by experimenting and keeping record of events with respect to time.

You can study by just opening your eyes to see what's actually happening around you.

Because, our lives are unique and the lessons we are supposed to learn are not the same for everyone. We cannot all undergo the same experiences at same time!

Observe and understand what's happening in your own world. You will know what you need to know if you study this way.

Stop getting distracted with minding other people's businesses. You have your own life, it's more than enough business.

Even the scriptures say "Remove the log in your eyes before complaining about the speck in your neighbor's eye."

Stay conscious, study better, rapidly improve your life and keep winning!


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