Be Good For No Reason

Be good for no reason

I think this world would be a lot better if we could all be good for  no reason. If we make it a point of duty to simply be good to other people and to our immediate environment.

If we could form the habit of doing good without any expectation and being good  to our community for no reason, there  would be dramatic change. But the big question lies in the definition of being good.

On what basis can we say for sure that the actions we intend to take is a good one? Is it culture? Is it morality? Is it the scriptures?

For the  purpose of this blog post, being good here means showing love to others and helping them out when you can. It means being able to connect with the feelings of other people and help them solve any of their problems in any little way you can.

Actions that can be classified as being good could be: buying food for someone without them asking, visiting the motherless babies and providing them with the gifts you can, giving to a beggar or a homeless person, volunteering to help organize something nice, showing care love and concern to another person without expectation from them, occasionally sacrificing your pleasures for the good of someone else and etcetera.

The question: "Can we be good through acting violently or offensively?" will be the topic for another day. But it's a great principle to be good for no reason. It helps you act out of love and relieves you from making too much expectations from others which could turn you into a beast.

Being good for a reason is dangerous because the goodness comes from the reason(in form of expectations) and not from the heart. You could change to a very angry person if you're doing good for an expectation and then the expectation is not met. It could change you into a very hateful person.

Take for example, you're working very hard in your office because you expect the boss to notice you. You're doing everything good, working late, volunteering to do odd jobs and all that. You're doing it with the expectation of being promoted and then you didn't get the promotion. Most likely you'll stop doing it and adopt a negative or laissez affair attitude at work since your reason for being good wasn't met.

Most marriages and love relationships have stood the test of time simply  because one or both partners is dedicated to being good for no reason. Yeah, sometimes we have expectations from our partner, but those expectations must never at any point be the reason why we choose to be good and loving to them. Whenever our expectations from our partner becomes the reason why we are good to them, the marriage or relationship will tend to crash easily once the reason isn't satisfied.

For some reason, your partner may not be able to meet up with your expectations. Is that enough reason to stop being good or loving to him or her? Think about it. Because if the expectation is the reason for the love, then it's no different from a business rather than love.

People will not always reciprocate your good towards them, still be good anyway for no reason.

People will still be rude or negative to you when you're being good, still be good anyway.

People will say you know nothing and you're wasting your time when you're good, be good anyway!

There may be nothing in it for you after being good. The people you do good to may not even appreciate it. But be good anyway.

Because being good for no reason is good for you. It's good for your peace of mind and your spirituality. Being good heals your soul and puts you in a progressive state of mind at all times. You'll feel a positive aura all around you when you're good.

Most especially, you'll make the world a better place when you're good.

Check out this video on kindness:

Be good and keep winning! 


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