Herd Mentality

herd mentality sheep

Herd mentality is everywhere around us. It's so easy to observe that it often goes unnoticed, but it's a silent killer that we all must be wary of as bold winners. This post was written to remind you that you're not everyone else and you can always stand out from the herd when you are in disagreement.

When you log onto your Facebook and you see a post with  about 400 likes and then one post with just 2 likes posted around same time as the previous post, which post are you more likely to also like?

When you walk into a bar and all the people there seem to support a particular football team in a football game, which team are you most likely to support?

When you're walking on the street and then you see people gathering around a celebrity (an actor, a sport star or a musician), what are you most likely to do?

When you hear lots of people complaining about a particular government with good arguments, what are you likely to think about that government?

When everyone around you seems to be bleaching their skins just to look fairer and more beautiful than they already are, what are you likely to think or do?

When certain well known people you know tend to smoke and do drugs, what are you likely to think about smoking and drug addiction?

When people around you are flirting around, cheating on their partners at will and living recklessly, yet they seem to be doing well, what are you likely to do?

When most people at the office are saying lots of negative things about a particular staff member, what are you likely to do?

When other people tend to show off all their achievements to anyone who cares to pay attention, are you not moved to do the same?

When everyone is dressing in a way that you find inappropriate, however most people think that the dressing is cool or trendy, are you not likely to throw away your values and dress same way just to feel trendy?

When everyone else is having random sex with anyone and seem to be having fun while doing that? Won't you be moved to be reckless as well?

I've asked all these questions because I want you to honestly answer them and see how far this herd mentality has gone in changing the way we think.

It's easier to do something when you feel that many people are doing it or many find it cool than when few people are doing it.

It's really affecting a lot of intelligent and success oriented minds. Our experiences always tend to shape our beliefs and when we feel that something is acceptable to more people than less, we tend to easily welcome it into our own personal lives.

But it doesn't have to be so and if we really want to stand out, we must do away with that innate tendency to do something just because many others are doing it.

It's not always about what you think many others are doing. It's about you and what you really want for your life. You're not the same with everyone, so you mustn't setup your own standard with what they are doing.

Let people do what's best for them. It's none of your business. Know yourself and do what's best for you! You must not be a die hard smoker or drug addict to be successful. Drugs can ruin your entire life and your motivation to excel.

You mustn't sleep around with different people, just to feel cool about your manliness or womanliness. Challenge yourself with higher goals and aspirations and save yourself the various risks associated with promiscuity.

You must not like a post because 1000 people have liked it. You have to know why you're doing whatever you're doing. You like things because it agrees with your kind of person and your values, not because everyone likes it. Who cares?

You mustn't bleach your skin to feel good about yourself. Why can't you cherish your skin the way you are? Why can't you feel good in your own body? It's because you've agreed with the herd that a bleached skin is better than a natural one. You should scrap the nonsensical thought and love yourself the way you are.

You mustn't gossip about other people, support a cause or complain because everyone is doing so. What's the point? If your opinion is unique and you think it's  better, share it and enlighten the herd. You stand out.

We must learn to cherish our individual differences and our various choices. We must cherish our ability to make our own decisions guided by our own reasoning and consciousness.

I mean, we have a brain for a reason! We act like we're brainless when we do things because everyone is doing them.

To really make progress, we must learn to think for ourselves and question why we do certain things without even knowing why.

We must stop falling into this trap of herd mentality. It's the trap of mediocrity. Successful people have always been ahead in planning and thought because they don't always follow the crowd. They think for themselves and do what's best for them not for everyone.

Avoid herd mentality.. Think for yourself, stay success minded and keep winning!


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