They Owe You Nothing

They owe you nothing

The moment you begin to get the point that other people owe you nothing and therefore develop the mindset of working towards whatever you want to have in this life, the better for you.

It's so common these days to hear things like: "My uncle has a lot of cash and yet he's not willing to help me," "My sister is a manager at a big company and she hasn't even given a job role," or even something like "I'm related to him, but yet he hasn't done anything for me even though he's doing very well."

Even in relationships, people behave as if their partners owe them happiness always by saying things like: "I'm his lover and since he won 2 million naira, I hope to get a million," "He or She doesn't do everything to make me happy," or "He doesn't do as much as this other person or that person." And that's how relationships begin to collapse because someone starts comparing the partner with someone else because of this inordinate sense of entitlement.

The gospel truth is that no one really owes you anything and you should really be grateful to anyone who loves or cares about you enough to do helpful things for you. The fact that these people are close to us or that they love us so much doesn't mean that it's by force they do things for us. No matter how deeply connected, we must always respect another person's freedom of choice.

Indeed, when we ask for help from someone we love or someone we know to be successful and we don't get any, we will tend to be unhappy. However, that unhappiness shouldn't linger long enough if we really respect that person's freedom of choice. It shouldn't lead us to hating that person or bad mouthing them because they couldn't help us.

The habit should be to help ourselves. No one else but our very own selves can truly help us. Our sincerest efforts to get things for ourselves and make our lives better can achieve much more for us than any external help from others.

This is not to say that people cannot help us. People can help us and even transform our lives for good. But the point is that rather than just hope on help from other people or totally putting our desires in their hands, we should develop that attitude of helping ourselves. So that if help comes along the way, then it becomes a bonus. But if it doesn't, we won't be so bitter about it because we're already working our way towards those needs.

If you want money, you go out there and get it by doing exactly what you have to do. You don't really have to wait on a particular person to give you money and then when he or she doesn't, you curse them because you felt entitled to the person's money. How ridiculous!

If you need a job, you hustle your way into it. That you have someone you know who is in top level management at a firm doesn't mean that they must give you a job. They reserve the freedom and the right to give or not give you that job because you don't know what they may be facing in the firm or what it took for them to get to that level. Why not strive to get a job yourself?

If you feel that your partner isn't making you as happy as you desire, why not find a way to make yourself happy and then involve him or her? Does falling in love with someone mean that we've lost the capacity to even make ourselves happy? Being unable to make yourself happy because you're in love means that there's a problem with you already. You can and should always be able to make yourself happy and sometimes try to make your partner happy too. Because sometimes he or she could be facing challenges and unable to make you happy sometimes. Would you rather die?

We can always get the things we want for ourselves without feeling that anybody owes us any of it. Whether it's money, a successful career or love.. Whatever it is, you can always do something about it in whatever little way you can. That little thing you can do to change your situation for yourself is extremely important, crucial and must not be neglected.

They owe you nothing.. YOU OWE YOURSELF EVERYTHING!

The earlier you realize this, the better for you. You will become more tolerant and forgiving. You will become a source of goodness to others rather than unnecessary hate. You will begin to blossom. You'll see and know that whether they choose to help you or not, it's doesn't matter.

You'll not be lazy and you won't waste your time backbiting those who won't help you. Your eyes will be open to the various opportunities around you which you can take advantage of to improve your life!

Understand this, help yourself as much as you can and just keep winning!


  1. Thankfully I've stopped walking around like some entitled dude


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