At The Speed Of Thought

Jets at thought speed

Today I want to share with you guys a secret that helped me overcome procrastination. Procrastination as we all know is the thief of motivation and success. I call this secret "At the speed of thought."

The human mind is one of the most complex and misunderstood concept in human beings. Lots of thoughts go on in our minds on a daily basis that we can not even count.

One minute you're thinking of your work, the next minute you're thinking of someone you love, the next one you're trying to understand a book, you think of arguments and so on. We never run out of thoughts.

What it means is that our thinking is infinite as long as we are conscious. There's no end to the possibility of our thoughts. They will always be there with us and we will never run out of them.

If we want something to be continuous in our personal lives, then we must find a way to associate it with our endless thoughts. And this is where procrastination comes in because it is also one of the endless thoughts, but a negative one.

Procrastination tells you to postpone doing something meaningful for something that isn't usually worth it.

It tells you not to work on your application and relax yourself with a movie or a party.

It tells you to keep putting off actions you have to take for tomorrow and it goes on that way.

What's the solution then?

Learning to do things at the speed of thought.

Since we have a myriad of thoughts flowing through our minds every single day, it's difficult to even achieve anything if we don't have sufficient willpower to follow our thoughts through.

That's why we must follow through the positive thoughts that come through our minds immediately as it comes if we don't want to fall prey to procrastination.

The moment it comes to your mind to do that work, start that application, visit that friend, write that book, clean your house, you should immediately start doing it at that same speed.

The only exception to not doing it is when you have other things you're doing presently. Note: I don't mean when you have other things in mind to do. I mean when you're already occupied doing something else. They are two different things.

Often times, we decide not to do some things because of other things we have in mind to do, but what has been stopping us from doing those things we have in mind? Nothing.

So if an idea runs into your head when you're doing nothing, take action regarding that idea immediately and you'll definitely make progress.

When we do things at the speed of thought, we don't give procrastination a single chance.

Procrastination only gets a chance at you when you delay or hesitate on taking that useful action.

In the military, soldiers are trained to take required action at the speed of thought. You don't hesitate in battle or else you're a dead man.

Split second thoughts followed by split second actions are what the best soldiers are known for.

You don't say you'll protect yourself tomorrow or you take a clean shot tomorrow when you're in battle. You act immediately on the thought if you want to survive. Bold winners know this.

If you really want to be successful in life, you have to face life like a well trained soldier. It's live or die, there's no hesitation in working towards the achievement of your goals.

Follow through your thoughts as fast as they come. Then you'll be surprised at how much you can accomplish with the time you've been wasting.

You waste your time because you allow our uncountable thoughts rule your mind continuously. You don't act on them. You fall into the habit of just entertaining these thoughts. And time is lost.

Once again, the only reason that should stop you from acting on any thought is when you are currently doing something. And if you're doing something and paying attention to it, how will your mind even be easily distracted by other thoughts?

And there's another very important thing: If you're already doing something and an important thought jumps in, then you should write it down so that after doing what you're doing, you can begin the other thought.

That's where having a to-do list comes in. In  a to-do list, you write down every important thing you have to do and tick them off as you do them.

This list is important when you have many things to do and you're confused as regards how to accomplish them all. It's not more important than forming the habit of acting at the speed of your pressing thoughts.

If you've not been practicing this, try it. Act at the speed of thought:

Complete that book, start that training, apply for that opportunity. Just act on thoughts and you'll accomplish more. It's not rocket science. It's a habit that successful people are used to.

Stay bold and keep winning!


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