Fast, Slow And Time

fast or slow time ?

When you want something to happen very fast, you'll find out that time immediately becomes too slow.

When you want something to last for a very long time or go very slowly, time will start running like Usain Bolt or a rocket.

When you understand this and you want to be smart by pretending you want something to be slow when you actually want it to be fast or vice versa, your subconscious mind that knows the real truth will not be deceived. You'll find yourself experiencing the slowness or speed you pretend to want instead of the opposite that you desire.

So what do you do? Stop expecting things to come too fast or too slow. Allow things to happen naturally while preparing yourself for however it chooses to come.

You're expecting an email or a text message? Forget about it and do other things you have to do. It will come when it will.

You want to be successful in life and then you go on worrying about what time or at what age it will happen? Why worry about it? If you're working on yourself and you're doing something useful with yourself, why waste your time thinking about when it will happen?

Success will happen when it will as long as you keep preparing yourself without worrying about it. Success doesn't need to be timed or even expected. It only needs you to be prepared for it and it will come running to you like a beautiful lady with open arms.

You're with someone you love and instead of enjoying the person's presence, you worry about how long they will stay? Why? The person's presence should not be missed. It should be enjoyed totally, every second.

When you worry and think about how long the person will stay, you will miss the person's company because you're body present and mind absent. Then you even further shorten the time you worry about. Being absent minded is as good as he or she is not there.

When you think about that email, text or visitor you're expecting, you'll not be doing anything useful but rather worry over nothing.

When you worry about when you will be successful, you'll miss the time you should be using to develop yourself.

I'm not saying that you should not be time conscious. Time is important, should be planned and managed, but what's the point of wasting that time thinking about when something will happen or how long it will take as long as we can't really control it?

Can you control success, the time your visitor or email will arrive, the time your loved one may stay? You can't. So there's no point worrying about the time involved in what you can't control.

You should only think about how quickly or how slowly you want things to be when it's completely under your control. Because then you can manipulate it to your desired outcome.

I want to drink my tea real fast, I drink it real fast. Under my control. You get the point?

You should only spend time thinking about what you need to be doing to get close to where you want to be. You should think about the steps you should take. You should think about the progress you've made and the way forward.

But you should not always be thinking about when random things will happen or how long they will take. It's usually pointless thinking because you can't do anything about it. Just let it.

Allow random things to happen the way they want to happen, but don't miss the important things or create unnecessary misery by thinking too much.

Don't worry, be happy and you won't miss much. Life's good. Life is beautiful.



  1. I have to work towards overcoming the overthinkers curse

  2. Definitely bro!

    Over thinking is a damned trap. We always have to ensure that every thought moves us into action. If it's not moving us into any action and we're just thinking it, what's the point?

    Break the curse this second!

  3. This is a lovely article. Keep it up Nigel. One love from Italy.

    1. Thank you my friend. One love from Nigeria.

  4. This was definitely worth reading.
    Thanks for sharing. Bookmarking this blog!

    1. Thank you Juan. I'm happy when you guys share your thoughts. Thanks a lot.

  5. Hey Nigel, been following closely, well done bruv,check out this small boy on


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