Living In The Now Maybe Bullshit

Living In The Now Maybe Bullshit

You hear it almost everywhere these days. They say you should live in the now, you stay present and feel the moment.

They say you should forget about the past and the future but enjoy the beauty that always comes with the present. You hear stuff like this almost all the time don't you?

Well, that's the new age idea that many people are beginning to buy.  And if it's not well understood, those people will not see the hidden bullshit idea they're buying.

When they preach "Live in the now," "Live in the present moment," "Feel the present moment," I think the point they're trying to make is that we should be more conscious of whatever we're presently doing, so we can achieve the best results.

When you're working on something very important for example, you're a surgeon carrying out an operation or you're a soldier in war facing live gun fire or maybe you're a scientist carrying out an experiment or a fast driver on high speed or you're a lawyer listening to the accused, you have to really be present.

You have to keep your attention focused on what you're doing because once your attention is off even for a second, it could be disastrous or you could miss very important information (the only reason why I may ever buy into living in the now). This is because you don't need to be thinking of the future or the past when you're in such conditions. Deep focus on the now is needed.

However, when some people interpret living in the now to mean that you should never think about the future or consider the past before taking any decision, then it becomes total bullshit. Because, when you see through that interpretation, you'll see that it will make you miss many things and consequently become lazy.

If you cannot see beyond the present when you need to, then how can you ever make any progress in life?

They say you should always forget about the past and the future and just breathe. Just enjoy the breeze, the insects, the sun rays, seriously? Then how can you ever make good use of your time?

Every reasonable man or woman has to plan himself or herself very well to meet any possible outcome. You can't just sit around living in the now.

We have a lot of useful lessons from our pasts that we can apply to our present moments. We cannot scrap all those important lessons in the name of living in the now.

It's important to anticipate possible outcomes for the future, to enable us keep working towards what we want. Or else, we will find ourselves lying around wasting our time, and we won't even take advantage of opportunities that come our way because we never anticipated them.

This is why I say that "Living in the now maybe bullshit" and that's if we allow the philosophy make us become indolent and laid back.

This unforeseen laid back attitude is obviously what people are accepting more these days in the name of living in the now. They don't want to work, they don't want to plan, they don't want to stress themselves, so most of them find comfort in just living in the now.

This is why I am writing this article. Bold winners are not lazy people. They don't accept philosophies because it comforts them and makes them relax. They stay focused. They stay present when they need to be present, they think and plan for the future when they have to, and they remember the past and apply the lessons learnt when they have to.

Bold winners aren't stuck anywhere within the past, present or future. They know that these three are interconnected and one cannot do without the other. Only change is constant.

That's why bold winners know that living in the now should mean one being conscious of what he or she is presently doing rather than always being stuck with the present. It's crazy.

You need to know when to live in the now(be present), when to consider the future(but never get stuck worrying about it) and when to remember lessons from the past(rather than keep regretting it).

You should be careful not to buy into laziness and irresponsibility because you think everything is in the now.

Everything is interconnected. And you have to work towards whatever you desire to achieve.

There's no other shortcut. Don't pretend to be happy just because you want to escape your responsibility.

Never buy into bullshit ideas hidden behind maxims and keep winning!


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