Stop Watching TV Like A Zombie

Stop watching TV like Zombie

These days, a lot of people are spending more and more time glued to their TV's, laptops or mobile devices watching various programs continuously. Unknowingly, they're gradually turning themselves into zombies if they don't stop this bad habit.

Our television sets weren't designed to be watched almost every time. They were designed for our entertainment and it's up to us to plan ourselves accordingly as regards how much entertainment we need to be getting from it. However, the use of TV has been greatly abused as more people are losing control of it and consequently it's turning most of them into unproductive people.

Come to think about it, what exactly do you really gain from spending too much time watching TV? If you think about it well enough, you will find out that your rarely gain much asides from fleeting excitement, laughter or some new information about something. And you only get the latter benefit when you're watching something educational or you watch the news. But how many people watch educating programs?

Massive man hours are spent by majority watching different kinds of movies, music shows, sports and etcetera. What exactly do you gain from movies? Nothing much asides the most common moral lessons which are: Be good, be smart and be more alert. What else do you want to learn from watching hundreds of movies on TV?

What about music shows? What could you gain by watching hundreds of them? Nothing much except the excitement(which you won't use for anything) that comes from watching a popular singer or dancer on TV. Just the excitement which doesn't last long . It doesn't add anything else to you. Why do you have to sit back and watch every music video?

When it comes to sports, it's only the excitement once again. There's no point watching all the leagues or all the sports. Therefore, you don't need to be watching a sport channel for many hours. If you love football and you have a favorite team, it's okay to plan yourself as regards when to watch your team play during the week and then plan to watch the highlights for other teams. You don't have to watch every game played by all the teams. What's the point? Same goes for all other sports.

I'm not against watching TV at all or seeing interesting programs. What I'm against is watching TV too much like you're a Zombie. And you are liable to do that when you have no plans for watching TV. You should have plans. You should have a scale of preference as regards the programs you will like to watch. You must understand that you mustn't watch every program. You've definitely got to miss some of them, so you can do some other important things.

Watching TV twenty four hours a day is one of the easiest paths to failure. Ask yourself the question: "The people I watch, would I be seeing them if they were also busy watching TV?" This question will open your eyes to the reality of what you're  doing. Those actors you watch aren't watching TV all day like you do! They're acting: they're living their lives being productive through acting a movie. And if you're always just watching them act, how can you be productive at all?

The sports channel you always watch, are the guys that are participating in the sports busy just watching TV? No, they're busy playing the sport and you're just watching and getting excited. If you think about it, you'll see that always watching TV dulls your brain and your motivation to succeed. You'll gradually become too lazy to even do anything and if you're not careful, you'll live your life in regrets.

Who wants that kind of life? Definitely not you. TV is good, once in while, you watch it alone, with your friends or loved ones, but it should never be a full time job. If you have favorite shows, plan your time according as regards how many hours you want to watch and how many hours you should channel to productive activities. Don't fall into the trap of letting the TV program control you. You should be controlling the TV program. That's why you're the OWNER of the TV.

You become a zombie when you let yourself be totally controlled by your TV to the point where you just sit down on your couch and watch anything at anytime. I don't even wish anyone to be that way.

Be the man or the woman who takes control and learn to turn off that TV when you definitely have to. Channel your energy to productive things. With the hours wasted on a TV screen, you can learn a skill, you can work on your business, you can improve your work, you can hang out and meet real people, you can build strong networks, you can apply for lots of opportunities to develop yourself, you can spend more time with people you love, you can build something that could change lives and so on. There are many more productive things you can do with that time. The worst thing is waste them on TV.

The people who read this blog are people who are motivated to succeed and keep succeeding in every aspect of their lives. And it would be a shame if some of you should allow yourselves to be turned into unproductive and unconscious zombies as a result of an inability to control your TV. That's why I've taken time to write and share this article as a reminder. Some of you are already on track, but some of you might be gradually falling into that trap without knowing it. I hope this article helps you guys stay conscious.

Stop watching too much TV and keep winning! 


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