The World Belongs To The Futuristic In Thought

Futuristic Thought world game

The world belongs to those who are futuristic in their thought processes which consequently leads them to taking the best decisions or actions in the present. It's important to put the future into perspective whenever we want to make any choices.

It's quite impossible to know the future for sure but therein lies the whole excitement in preparing for it's probable outcomes. Life wouldn't have much meaning to it if we knew exactly how the future would play out, would it? That's why it's usually a waste of time to worry about the future. However, you must think about it's possibilities and take needed action.

You could buy a house or property today and the next few years it's value may have doubled or tripled.   You could start a business in an area that looks undeveloped and before you know it, development gradually changes that area.

You could see a poor man today who is hardworking and diligent in his efforts, in a few years he might be a multi millionaire.

You could have the opportunity to invest in a small scale business today with a few thousands, after some time, your investment may be running into billions.

I could give many more instances, but the point is just that successful people always try to see the future possibilities before they take action. Those who usually get it wrong are those who only focus on the present.

When you focus only on the present, you will often miss future possibilities because nothing is constant.

You might pass up on investing in a small business with good potential and rather invest in one that looks already established, but the small business could grow and even expand more than the one you thought was better.

You might pass up on acquiring property at a location that looks undeveloped, because you failed to see the future possibilities in the development of that area.

You might decide to not start up that business with your colleague but rather take up a "safer" job, but your colleague may decide to stick with the idea and tomorrow he's running a multi billion dollar firm.

For the ladies, a young hardworking man might really love you and he's really interested in marrying you, you might not see his value because he presently doesn't have much, you focus on the present situation and then you miss.

There are many more instances, but I won't bore you with them. I'm just trying to let you know that you should not be carried away by the present.

Look around your environment, the entrepreneurs, the big business owners, the politicians, the military, those who control your economy, they are all futuristic in thought. They leave nothing to the hands of fate and they continue to be successful in their endeavors.

It's good to think positively about your life and your situations, but you have to be futuristic too and try to see, plan and prevent possible threats. Yeah, God is protecting you, but you should be smart in your living.

Don't always be carried away by the present value of things. A bit of thinking about future values will help you see the truth clearly and make best choices. In chess, even a pawn has the capacity to become a queen. Change is the only constant thing in the universe.

Put the future into consideration but don't get drowned in worrying about it.

Keep winning!


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