Develop A Culture Of Excellence

develop a culture of excellence

Many people are comfortable with being just okay or average. They don't want to go the extra mile. They just want to do things at the most basic acceptable level and be free to go back to their relaxation.

Many want to be just good enough and not stand out. Just make some observation around you. You will see that most people are just okay with the barest minimum.

However, reality continues to show us that it is only those who excel in their fields that are celebrated. The world celebrates and rewards only those who are exceptional in whatever they do. This is why it is important we develop a culture of excellence.

When I mention the names Pele, Messi or Christiano Ronaldo, it doesn't take you long to know that those guys are exceptional in the game of football. They've become so good at football that their names have become associated with exceptional football.

When I mention Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump, you already know that they are exceptional leaders who have distinguished themselves through their style of leadership.

When you hear Michael Jordan, you already start thinking of basketball and how skillful the guy has been. When you hear Usain Bolt, you think of speed.

When you hear Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, you're already thinking of men who were exceptional in fighting for the things they believed in and injustices prevalent during their time.

The name Walt Disney trends till today in the world of cartoons because his creative cartoons were and are still legendary.

It's not just about the men.. there are excellent women too.

Serena Williams has been exceptional in the game of Tennis.

Michelle Obama, Angela Merkel and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf(the world's first elected female black president) were excellent in politics.

Oprah Winfrey(one of the most influential people in the media industry and one of the few female billionaires in the world), Beyonce, Taylor Swift were all excellent in Media and entertainment.

Maya Angelou was a legendary poet and award-winning author.

There is something common to all these famous people who I have mentioned and that thing is excellence! Excellence is what will practically distinguish you from the rest and earn you respect, recognition and the wealth you may seek.

You see, there are many people in the world who are doing these same things that these recognized people are doing. Some are still starting, some have been doing it for a long time and some have given up.

But how many of them are being excellent in what they are doing?

Excellence cannot be hidden. Once you are excellent in anything, people will always talk about you and recommend you to higher things without you knowing. They will come to you and even invite people to come as well without you paying for any advert.

The best advert is being excellent in whatever you do.

Developing a culture of this excellence is not easy. In a world of over 7 billion people, an alarmingly high percentage of them don't care about being excellent. They just want to survive and do the same thing others are doing.

Why do you think they won't get the same results those people get? When you do only what every other person around you does, how can you be different from them? You can't! You'll just be like them.

But when you do more than the rest and go through the risks and the pains many of them aren't willing to go through, you'll definitely get what they don't have. That's how it works. Your culture of excellence will always pay off.

If you'll take the time to go over the biography of some of these famous and successful people, you will find the culture of excellence embedded in their routines.

They worked harder, they tried harder, they trained harder, they acted more, they read more, they contested more, they practiced more, they disciplined themselves more and used their spare time to develop their abilities. They were more thoughtful and courageous. All for the sake of sharpening their excellence.

Their excellence finally singles them out from 7 billion people who may be trying the same things. If you want to sound religious, you can say it's God's blessings or grace that singles them out, I will also agree with you.

However, I believe that blessings and grace favor those who are excellent in what they do and not those who are lazy and reluctant to try.

So, to conclude this post, I want to enjoin you all to strive to maintain excellence in anything you do. Be the exceptional guy or girl. If everyone does it in a particular way, find a way to do yours in a better and improved way.

The desire to improve always is a mark of excellence.

Every one can stand up to give a speech. But the difference between a speech that genuinely connects with the audience or brings out emotions from them and a speech that people are bored to listen to is excellence in the delivery of that speech.

We all love excellence, but few of us are willing to go through what is needed to be excellent because we don't like stress. At the end of the day, we are no different from the average person.

Don't you love watching those inspiring personalities speak to you?

Don't you love watching Messi play or Beyonce sing?

Why do you love your best musicians, actors or celebrities? The answer is their excellence.

So, in truth we all love excellence in any form. However, many of you don't want to develop the culture of that excellence because it looks hard.

The truth is that developing excellence is not as hard as you think. If other humans who you admire could cultivate it, why can't you?
The problem is that we think too much about what we have to do, we worry about the hard work involved and we decide to just not go through it and just be average.

But we don't want to be average. It is our minds that trick us into thinking we want to be average so that we can avoid the "hard work" we have envisioned. But the reality is that deep down you also badly want to be excellent.

Therefore, shake off that mindset that makes you think being excellent is hard. It is not. What you need is only a willingness to try one thing at a time and you will see how things will go.

Before you know it, you become used to those steps and it becomes part of you. Then your excellence becomes as easy as pie because you are now used to it.

Develop a culture of excellence and keep winning!


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