The Definition Of A True Woman

The definition of a true woman

Previously, I wrote an article on the definition of a true man. It would be fair enough to also write and article for the women who read this blog.

Women are beautiful, lovely and sensitive creatures way different from men in a lot of things both mentally and physically. They are special in their own way and also play very important roles in our society.

Just like in the case of the men, value systems seem to be changing for women too.

Most women seem to rate themselves these days based mainly on their looks. They spend so much time and money in ensuring they look very good, clean and posh. They can do anything to look attractive and get attention.

Some even go to the extent of almost going nude on social media just to feel good about themselves and get reassuring likes.

Painfully, most of these same women don't pay attention to what is inside of them. They often neglect the unseen qualities which make them who they truly are.

There are some women who boast about how many men they have been with and gotten money from. They boast of the things that their boyfriends buy or do for them and they define themselves by these things.

Some boast about how unrestrained they are in insulting men. Some of them have no shame when it comes to boasting about those things.

Well, here on the bold winner's blog, we think a woman is not authentically defined by those things which now appear commonplace and here's what we think:

A true woman is one who does not necessarily base her self esteem on her body. This doesn't mean she doesn't look good or take care of her looks, rather, she understands that her looks are just an added asset.

A true woman doesn't define herself by the number of men she has been able to sleep with and get cash in return from.

She doesn't sell herself that cheaply.

A true woman is hardworking, respectful, considerate, smart and dedicated to the role she has to play.

A true woman has a great sense of responsibility.

If she's married, she respects her husband well enough. This doesn't mean that she never offers her opinion. She does that when she has to, but does so in a respectful manner.

A true woman who is married genuinely loves her children and takes very good care of them. She can make sacrifices to ensure that her children are okay.

She doesn't always nag at her husband or put him onto undue pressure. A number of men have gone to their early graves because they married a bad woman who robbed them of their peace of mind and turned their children against them.

Instead of nagging, she tries to figure out what exactly is the problem and seeks for ways to help and support her husband.

A true woman is always real. She doesn't pretend except for a very good reason, and she has an understanding mind. She is tolerant and open minded. She is not abusive and is able to control her  tongue from getting too sharp.

She is willing to help and support those around her and she is very courteous. She is kind and if she's religious, she is devoted to God.

This kind of woman doesn't have time for nonsense. She always keeps herself occupied with things that add value to her. She listens to good advice and she develops her skills.

These kind of women can do various things to provide support to their families. They aren't lazy, they aren't spending all day on social media showing sensitive parts of their bodies to get likes.

They are busy working towards a good cause. They are the women that make things happen in the society. They are the women who understand that their real values lie in what they can contribute to the world.

True women have distinguished themselves in various fields. In science, arts, entertainment, politics, medicine, sports, just name it.

You can find bold winning women who are making a difference all over the world. From Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Angela Merkel, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, to Serena Williams. There are many of them.

These are women making things happen. And if you're a woman, you can be like them too.

You're not a tool to be used by men just for sex, clubbing and night parties. You're not here to show us just your body and seduce men. The world doesn't really revolve around the size of your waist or your bust.

You're way more than that young lady. You've been designed to make a difference in this world where you find yourself.

Don't be afraid of accomplishing a lot. True men will be attracted to you and trust me, a union or relationship between a true man and a true woman is a match made in heaven.

By all means look good, clean and sweet. But never make the mistake of thinking that it is everything you're all about. There are many things within you waiting for discovery.

As a true woman, your diligence will make you unlock all those treasures within you and you'll be surprised at how your life will turn out and the impact you can make.

True women cannot be used and dumped because they are very smart. Before they even get that close to a guy, they must have known the kind of a man he is.

Some women are played around by men because such women think it is all about sex and money. They don't think beyond those two things.

They don't work on their characters, careers and inclinations. They don't think of making impact in their immediate surroundings. All they think about is a man who can give them money because of their body. How lower can a woman get?

Free yourself from such bondage if you're entangled by it. A true woman is unfettered by those things. She keeps aspiring for more and more. And she has a heart of gold which can be easily seen by true men.

Be a true woman, keep winning!


  1. It must be a man that wrote this. a woman is more than what society deems her to be. A woman is a mother. mentor and a money making mogul. A mother because she creates things out of nothing from the scratch. A mentor because she is equiped to impart lives to change people for good, to harness God given potential in people God has given her to raise. A money making Mogul because she is created for influence and not a meadiocre that has no worth other than what society deems her to be. she makes money like the Prvb 31 woman

    1. You must be one of those pseudo feminist writing that crap. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what was previously written regarding what a real woman is. As a matter of fact, I agree 100% with what was written because its the truth. Yes I'm a man writing this by the way. People have a right to There opinion and to be honest with you, it's not an opinion it's a fact. The problem with alot of women today is you guys have been brainwashed and sold a bill of goods by the media and society. Especially with the pseudo feminist "me too movement " whose only purpose is denigrate and degrade all men because they've been hurt and abused in the past. In regards to the women who've been victims of sexual, physical and verbal abuse, I'm very sorry u ladies had to endure that. No woman should ever be abused whether sexual physical or emotional, there's never an excuse for that as far as the "men" who did this to you go. There not real men, they're punks, pussies cowards.they abuse women because they're afraid of real men. Like I said before I'm very sorry you ladies had to endure that type of abuse but you must all men aren't that way. A real man loves and respects women. He treats them like his equals because you guys are our equal. A real man protects and provides for his family. He loves and cares for his wife and kids deeply. Just like there's a shortage of real women out there there's also a shortage of real men and if u ask me there more of a shortage of real men than women in my honest humble opinion.

    2. I love the anonymous comments 😄 funny reading through them. Keep em coming. 😉


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