What To Do When Your Passion Does Not Make You Money

when passion does not make money

We've all been there at least once right? Many of us have been there. You may currently be in that position where you've figured out what you love doing and start working hard on it, but somehow it  isn't paying your bills.

This is the period when your passion does not make you any money. It could be really frustrating for you if you're really expectant about earning a living from it, so what can you do about it?

I know you've seen it everywhere on the billboards and the media. You hear it on your favorite songs and from inspirational icons: Follow your heart, follow your passion.. Dare to do exactly what you want to do. It excited you and you took the leap to dedicate yourself to doing what you've always wanted to do.

But right now, you're in a dilemma because it doesn't pay you. You still find it hard sorting yourself out when it comes to money.

First of all, I will like you to read and understand these paragraphs before I go ahead to tell you how to get out of that state:

First, it's important to know that identifying your passion and following it is great. Your passions hold the key to your happiness and no matter what, you must never let any of your passions die away whether it makes money or not. 

Second, understand that it is not a must you make money from your passion. You don't have to force it or put all your hopes in making money from it. You can actually make money from something you can do which you aren't so passionate about.

If you disagree with any of the above, there's no point to continue reading from here. If you agree with me, let's ride on:

We all know that making money is important. The world has been built around money. Without any money in your pockets, there are only a few things you can really do. So we all need to make some money.

However, it would be a mistake to impatiently try to force your passion to make money for you.

The truth is that your passion MUST NOT make money for you. It is there primarily for your own joy, self expression and happiness. And by this, I am not saying that you CANNOT make money from it. It is very possible.

The intricate thing here is not allowing the pressure of making money from your passion lead you to undue frustration, impatience and the much more disastrous abandonment of what you love.

I know you can give me examples of many influential people who are making tons of money from what they appear to be passionate about. It's true that some people are doing it, but do you know their stories before they got there?

Do you think it just happened overnight for those people? You need a bit of patience if you must force your passion to also make money for you(which is not always necessary), but while you wait, you should be earning from something else.

If you have an empty stomach, hunger will be the drive, not your passion. So this is what to do when you want to make money from your passion and it seems not to work:

Get something else doing that actually helps pay the bills!

Anything is okay as long as it is something you can do and it doesn't make you unhappy.

Go and do it while still making out time to enjoy doing anything you're passionate about.

The advantage of having something else you're making money from is that it will relieve you of the undue pressure to make money by all means from your passion.

It is said that a person who is too desperate for something is the most easily deceived. If there's no other source of money asides your passion which isn't paying you, you will be too desperate that you may begin to consider doing things that are wrong and against your own principles, just so you can make it.

You might destroy your reputation and self respect in the process and at the end of the day, you may not really enjoy how everything will turn out.

To avoid this pressure, get something else that you can do. You must not do what you don't want to do. You can always find jobs or services that you can render which are okay with who you are.

Whatever job or service it is doesn't matter. You don't have to ask too many questions about what others may think of you if you take up that job, just so you can make ends meet.

The only questions you should ask yourself are these: "Is doing this job or rendering service okay with me?" "Can I do it?" "Is the income reasonable enough to support my needs?" If you answered Yes to all three, go ahead and do it irrespective of what anyone says.

It is your life and no one else knows your pain better than you. So whatever you do should be entirely your own choice. Others might have other sources of income even without work, so they might not understand your choice. They could still be getting free income from parents, lovers or maybe some inheritance. But you know your own situation.

So just do a little bit of research around you. The world will never run out of needs and services. You must know that you're capable of meeting some of those needs asides your passion. And you can make some cool money from doing so.

I'm not saying you should forget your passion while seeking for an alternative source of income. While you work, still dedicate some time to perfect your passion. At the end of the day you make enough to handle your needs and you still enjoy your passion.

One day, an opportunity might just click through around your passion and boom.. you quit your job and expand it fully.

It's even possible that you might make so much money from this new source of income that you completely forget the need to make money from your passion and you then decide to do it just for the fun of it. Who knows?

It is far better to have another income source while waiting for the lucky break(which may not happen anytime soon) than to continue doing so empty handed.

I hope this article helped you know exactly what to do from now. Go ahead and do it because the active ones take it all.

Until next time,

Never stop winning!



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