Traveling Expands Your Mindset

traveling expands your mindset

Hi guys, it's been a while away from this blog and believe you me, I've been caught up with quite a number of things which has got me traveling to different places in a short period of time.

Prior to that, I spent one year in a city I've never been to in service to my country and my experiences during the entire one year made me a better person. This is the main reason why I think it's appropriate to write about how traveling expands your mindset.

Many people barely travel and spend a better part of their lives living in the same geographical area. They live in the same neighborhoods and meet the same people over and over again. They barely get the chance to interact with people living in other areas or even live with them.

It's not like this is an entirely bad thing, however there is a high tendency to behave and think only in a similar pattern as people who live in your area tends to. This usually happens subconsciously without your knowledge. But you may think that you aren't being affected.

When you hardly travel and keep living in the same place or meeting the same people, you will tend to easily accept their prevailing belief systems and point of views without any proof. Because there's no where else to gain firsthand knowledge about others save from what you hear(which is sometimes very incorrect).

Traveling enables you to actually get first hand experience from people who may share dissimilar opinions and beliefs. You may have had some preconceived ideas about these people and your judgements may have been wrong. When you travel, it gives you an opportunity to interact with them and get to know things for yourself through experience.

Traveling also makes the world look smaller and enables you better understand your environment and terrain. When you travel, you get to come across lots of places you've never been to. You learn new names and new sites. You get to know new routes.

Learning these new things has a way of sharpening your thought processes. And it makes you smarter as you gather a wealth of new knowledge which could be very useful someday. No knowledge is a waste.

Traveling also boosts your confidence and has a way of making you more willing to take risks. We know that self confidence and a willingness to take risks are crucial ingredients to success. Living in fear is usually our barrier. Fear could cripple us.

When you travel to a place you have never been before and you try to live with the people there and adjust to the lifestyle, you may initially have some fears about them. You think about a lot of "What Ifs?" and you are uncertain about how things may go.

But once you start living with these people, these fears begin to gradually die off. This fear only arises because it is your "first time." Once you've eliminated this first time fear, you will find it easier to settle in unknown places. Eliminating first time fears is very key to succeeding in life.

You will also be more willing to travel to new places as you get used to how to meet strangers.

Traveling could also be the missing link to your skyrocketing success! Just changing your geographical location could be the only thing keeping you in that same situation.

When you travel, you expand your life by making new friends and getting to know more fun places to be. You gather story from daily experience and your story could help identify a hitherto unknown problem and bring it to notice or even change someone's mind for good. You could also share these stories with loved ones instead of appearing boring around them.

You could meet someone or gain knowledge from traveling that could turn your entire life around. You could identify opportunities that you never thought existed by traveling and the best opportunities may be waiting for you in another location. Why not make the move?

Traveling expands your mindset in a lot more ways than I've mentioned here and I believe it is crucial to one's success in life. Even if you feel conditioned to stay in a particular place for a long period of time, learn to make out time and budget some amount of money for just traveling to different places. Learn to meet different people and gain proper knowledge of their way of life and system of beliefs. Your opportunity might be waiting for you somewhere.

Travel when you get the chance and the means. Keep winning!


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