Message To The Wise Modern Woman

I have looked around me and I've seen that one of the strongest motivating factors for a man to cheat on his wife or his lover is the inability of the woman involved to provide for herself. In other words, the woman is constantly dependent on the man to provide even the most basic things for her. This kind of woman is more like a liability to the man involved and he feels that he has a right to cheat on her given that the woman doesn't really have much to offer him but her incessant demands. This is what has spurred me to write today's blog message to the wise modern woman.

Love is a beautiful thing. I'm tempted to say that it "used to be" a beautiful thing, but the truth is that genuine love will always remain a beautiful thing which every human being needs to experience in this lifetime. A life without love is almost meaningless and empty. Love really makes life rewarding. However, the real meaning of love is gradually being destroyed on the alter of money and sex.

A lot of women these days have started understanding and redefining love with material things. To them, a man who provides for them, gives them money all the time and buys them gifts(irrespective of who the man is) genuinely loves them. In other words, all it would take for them to fall in love with you as a man is: give them money, spend on them at expensive places and buy things for them. That's all! Your attitude, your little acts of care and affection, your personality, your character doesn't matter.

And why are lots of these women defining love based on material things? The answer is very simple and not far fetched: Many of them cannot provide for themselves. A woman who cannot provide for herself in today's world will get easily deceived by men who are willing to spend on them, not because they love them, but because they just need to get access to her cookie. Women who are jobless and cannot fend for themselves will not be able to look beyond the money and the gifts and see who really loves them and who doesn't.

I'm not saying it's wrong for you to accept money or gifts from a man who claims to love you. I'm saying that you should be careful that you're not blinded by those things to see this man for who he really is. If you could cater for yourself as a young woman, you will care more about falling in love with a man for who he is rather than the money he may be showering on you. I'm an advocate that a man should spend his money on a good woman. A man who is genuinely in love should surprise the woman he loves with lavish gifts once in a while. This is good.

The only problem is that men who don't care about you are also willing to do the same.. So if you're defining love based on who is spending on you, can't you see the danger you stand if you are carried away by the spending?

To be in a better position not to be carried away, you must be up and doing. Learn a skill or a craft. Apply to jobs that you can handle. The world has changed and equal opportunities are opening up for both men and women in various sectors. Why don't you take advantage of these things and live on purpose? Attach your life to goals and not to a man. When you're on track, your eyes will be opened to see the right man for you and not the one who wants to deceive you. And when you finally tie the knot with him, he will value you and your opinion because he knows the kind of woman you are. He knows you're not a liability, but a precious asset to him.

This is very important to you as a young woman. If you're reading this and you're already married or single without anything you're doing to support yourself and your family, you better start thinking and planning of how to start earning. Being able to cater for yourself financially gives you voice in your marriage, relationship etc. It also gives you respect and value.

This is a blog for winners and as a lady bold winner, I don't want you to be at the mercy of a nasty, cheating and wicked man simply because you cannot provide for yourself and without him you won't have money. That's disguised slavery. It's imprisonment because you know this man doesn't love you one bit, but because he gives you money, you stay. Talk about carrot and stick approach.

I think I've written enough for today. A word they say is enough for the wise. Empower yourself career wise and financially as a lady, keep winning! 


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