Be Quiet And Do Something Now

Be quiet and do something now

Time is one of the most wasted resources on earth, you know why? Because there are very few people who understand that "Time is Money" and that "The BEST time to start is NOW!" Learn to be quiet and do something right now. 

If you're still young and reading this, you have so much money, more money than you can ever imagine. But you've got to start working NOW to covert the time you currently have available into a fortune.

If you're much older, all hope is not lost either. Ray Kroc, Donald Fisher and some other people found success during late stages of their lives. So you can still make a big breakthrough.

The catch is that: the earlier you start, the better for you. Opportunity usually doesn't knock twice. Hence, it is important to start NOW to prepare for it, so you don't miss it.

But how are you going to recognize your opportunity if you don't have a mission and a purpose? Answer: You CAN'T. Opportunities are only seen by those looking for it. You can't find what you're not looking for. It doesn't work that way.

Let's say you've got a plan already and you're ready to start working on it, then you somehow find a reason to postpone it to start at a later date. What happens? That future date usually never comes and you forget about it. You've missed starting NOW!

Or, let's say you know what you want to do, but you make the mistake of telling other people your plans and they end up giving you one million excuses why your plans are impractical and impossible. Then you quit. You've also missed starting NOW.

I think it's counterproductive to tell people your plans for three good reasons:

1. It gives you a FALSE feeling of accomplishment. That satisfaction that you have plans can make you lazy.

2. Nine out of Ten people you tell don't give a damn about your idea. That's why they'll be ever ready to give you the epistle of failure

4. You're wasting the time you should've used to start acting now in talking about the action. A complete waste of time.

So what do you do? When you thoroughly make up your mind to accomplish something, keep quiet, think deeply and make critical plans. Don't tell anyone your plan, just start doing something NOW towards what you dream of.

It requires serious discipline on your part. You've got to eliminate all distractions and concentrate on the one single thing you've decided to do. If reading that book, playing that video game or seeing that movie doesn't help in any way to achieve you dream, eliminate it. It's a time waster.

Your luxurious spending must be cut out too. If I could get a phone of 10000 which would be just fine for me, why would I go for one of 100,000 at this level? You've got to cut off excessive spending and  focus NOW your time, energy and money on that GOAL.

Time will come when you'd have enough money to spend on luxury, not NOW. Now is time for serious and dedicated work to whatever you've decided to achieve.

Let me guess.. Some of you may claim that they're confused about what to do or that they don't know what they want to achieve. That's a lie and I'll tell you why.

Have you ever gone online to find an answer to something bothering you? If you have, you'd be honest to admit that you were inclined to take the answers of some web pages while ignoring others. 

Why? Because deep down, you already know the answer. You're only waiting for a verification from the site that suits you. Asking questions when you already know the answer is a complete waste of time.

It stalls you and it prevents you from taking the action NOW. you have to be honest with yourself. You KNOW exactly what you want and what you're passionate about. Stop deceiving yourself, pursue that dream and carve your name in gold when you've achieved.

You must FOCUS. It is important. Complete focus on what you've decided you really want to do. Then persevere and keep using your time NOW. Time will come when you'd have more than enough to get those luxuries you sacrificed and the world will become your oyster.

Till next time.

Remain Bold and Keep winning.



  1. I really like this article but one thing bothering me if someone has big dreams/plans but the only thing hindering the person is money/lack of support from parent/ relatives and the person is losing every little opportunity coming his way.How will the person achieve his/her dream?

    1. Hi Dear,
      Thank you for leaving a comment.
      The answer to your question is to start little. Start doing the little you can. You will face challenges. Your relatives or friends may not be ready to support you and you may not have the capital. But believe me, if you resign yourself as a result of those challenges, you won't succeed.

      Our dreams and ambitions, no matter how big or capital intensive they may be can be started with as little as working on a meagre job.

      Everything doesn't have to be perfect for your dreams to come true. The secret lies in your attitude.

      Do the little you can do at the present. You have a skill. Maybe you can teach, dance, sing, entertain or sell something. Use that little skill and make some money out of it. If you're doing the little you can with a very jovial attitude irrespective of challenges, you will find out that people you don't know will pick interest in you and may even be ready to support those bigger dreams.

      But you won't experience this if you're just sitting around doing nothing but waiting on your relative to support you with big funds.

      Start small, strive, do what you can. Those little things are what holds the keys to the achievement of your big dreams.

      You'll be surprised at how easily you can achieve those big things if you're diligent and faithful in little which is a huge function of your personal attitude.

      I hope this helps.

      Keep Winning!



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